July 1, 2014

Mid-year check-up, 4 of 10: Sin?

This list is going from the easy (reading your Bible and praying) to the more difficult (evangelism). Today is no different. The fourth one on the list on Thomrainer.com deals with sin. It says:
Are you faithfully fighting sin in your life? Be honest – have you experienced victory over sin this year? Is there a sin that continually haunts you even though you’ve sought to overcome it? If so, what steps do you still need to take this year? Confess that sin to someone? Seek accountability? Simply repent?
Think about that for a moment. We all accidentally sin every day, and hopefully we confess that as soon as we can. But what about our "pet" sins?

What ongoing sin or sins came to mind in January? What sins did you tell God that you want Him to help you get rid of this year? How is that going? God doesn't let us down, but we have to be willing to do our part too and stop running after that sin.

Did you just flippantly ask God to help you get rid of that sin?
Or did you come up with a game plan to quit that sin?
What steps are needed to free yourself from that sin? Do 1 step each day toward freeing yourself from that sin. Ask God to help you each step of the way. Share the steps with an accountability partner - someone who will help you accomplish the steps and will bug you until you do them.


  1. So, the question is: Is sin really a symptom of a deeper issue? What I mean is, are we created to do really incredible things and instead we find ourselves wallowing in mediocrity so whatever our sin of choice might be is little more than a diversion for us to focus on (even when trying to overcome it). What if we focused on doing what we're called to do instead of worrying about what we're not supposed to be doing? I know, it's a little simplistic, but it might be worth trying for some of us.

  2. There is some truth to that. We can look at the Ten Commandments either way:
    1. Choose God Almighty 6. Respect Other's lives
    2. Worship God alone 7. Love only your spouse
    3. Use God's name right 8. Work for what you have
    4. Keep the Sabbath 9. Always tell the truth
    5. Honor your Parents 10. Be content with what you have

    All 10 boil down to love neighbor and love God. Both of which boil down to Love. If we are busy loving God and others as we should, we shouldn't violate these 10 or the 613 other OT Laws.
