June 25, 2017

Calvary Reflections Newsletter


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


June 25, 2017



Thank you to all who helped organize the meal today. Thank you to all who brought food and/or stayed and ate with us all.




Feel free to use this chart to help you read through the New Testament. It's only 1 chapter a day for 5 days a week.  




Colossians 4




Luke 1


Luke 2


Luke 3


·       Colossians 4:16 – Interesting…What epistle is Paul referring to? Ephesians? Some other epistle?

·       Philemon 11 – Perhaps Paul is using a play on words, as Onesimus' name means "Useful."

·       Luke 1:46-55 – Mary refers to Hannah's song of Thanksgiving.

·       Luke 2:22 happened 34 days after the circumcision, or 42 days after the birth of Christ.

·       Luke 2:24 – This offering indicates that Jesus' earthly family was poor.

·       Luke 3:6 – All flesh includes Gentiles. Luke is writing primarily to Gentiles.

·       Luke 3:38 – Luke traces Jesus' lineage to Adam in order to show the Gentiles that Jesus is the savior of all people.






·       Business Meeting after church (Vote on Pastor's final compensation and the  Search Committee)

·       Mercy's Well in Concert at 6pm. This is a free event, and a love offering will be taken. Please invite folks and plan to attend.


Youth Trip - Emerald Point

Join us on Saturday, July 22, from 8-5. The cost is $10. Please signup and turn in a new permission slip by next Sunday, July 9. We'll provide breakfast. Please bring a lunch or money for lunch.


Committee Chair Lunch

If you are a committee chair or a representative, please stay after church on Sunday, July 9 for our lunch meeting.


Summer Camp

Please pray for our kids who are going to camp July 10-14: Austin, Jared, Jesse, Josh, Gracie, and Mikayla.


Vacation Bible School

This year's theme is

"Maker Fun Factory:

Created by God,

Built for a Purpose."


August 7th - 12th

5:30-6:30pm— Supper

6:30-8:45pm— VBS!


Come out to a place where curious kids become hand-on inventors who discover they are lovingly created by God.


Please pray for our VBS and that kids will be impacted for Christ through it. Also, pray about where God can use you to serve in VBS.


Please Pray in July

The Associational prayer emphasis for July is for Bethlehem, Beulah Hill, and Calvary.


Our Daily Bread (large print) and On Mission Magazine

...are available in the foyer.



Thrive will be on hold for the summer and will relaunch on the Sunday, September 17.


Hilary and I are grateful for the 6 years of ministry we shared with you. Thank you for your love and support as we served here. CBC will always have a place in our hearts. As we follow the Lord's lead, we covet your prayers. We will keep you all in our prayers.

-Pastor Bill



Calvary Baptist Church
548 Marley Rd
Robbins, NC 27325

Copyright © 2017, All rights reserved.

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