June 25, 2013

Telemarketing, Arguing, and Witnessing

I had a phone call this morning from a telemarketer. He wanted me to hire his company to create, maintain, and advertise a webpage for our “business” (our church, but he kept saying business). He started out on a bad foot with me, asserting things about our website that were not true. I had to ask him twice if he’s ever seen our website before he finally said, “no.”
Well, a long story short, his main attempt to get me to hire him was by arguing with me and almost yelling his points at me to “make” me go with their company. I wonder how many really get treated this way and think, “oh, well this person was so belligerent; I guess I should go for their company”? I doubt any.
This got me thinking about our witnessing. Do we tend to try to argue someone into salvation? Should we argue the gospel with them? Did Jesus argue His points with the lost and dying (apart from the “religious leaders”)?
No. Jesus encountered the woman at the well, who had a few different views/beliefs than Him. He simply shared with her the way of eternal life.
As we go, let us not be argumentative to win the lost. Let’s live like Christians should. As we do, folks will notice and ask why we are different. When that happens, let’s share the reason for our hope. Let’s share what Christ did in our lives. Let’s share the Gospel.