May 27, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 27, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




1 Chronicles 22-25; Psalm 78; Romans 5


1 Kings 1; 1 Chronicles 26-28; Romans 6


1 Kings 2; 1 Chronicles 29; Romans 7


1 Kings 3; 2 Chronicles 1; Ps 42; Romans 8


1 Kings 4; Proverbs 1-2; Psalm 43; Romans 9



1 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.

·       1 Chron 25:7 – there were 24 groups of musicians to match the 24 groups of Levites (ch. 24).


2 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.



1 Kings was written by Jeremiah to the Israelites in Palestine.



Romans was written by Paul to Roman Christians.

·       Romans 1:17 – 1 of 3 times Paul quotes "The just shall live by faith" (also in Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38).




May 27 VBS Meeting - we'll have a brief meeting after church today of all those who are helping with VBS or would like to help.


Mon, May 28 – Memorial Day


Sat, June 2 – The church will be going to Myabi Japanese Steak and Seafood House in Fayetteville, NC. The bus will leave the church at 2:30pm. Please sign up in the foyer, as we will need a head count to make reservations.


Sun, June 3 – Graduate Recognition Sunday


Mon, June 4 – Deacon's Meeting at 7pm


Wed, June 13 – Missions Night


Sun, June 17 – Father's Day – we will not have evening services / activities.


Mon-Fri, June 18-22 – VBS – 6pm til 8:30pm



Let's be in prayer for our VBS beginning June 18 through June 22.


Today is the last day to give your donation to help fill Diaper Bags for Foster Moms.



Sermon Highlights


Preparing for our suffering:


·       Our Bible reading and Prayer life help us to have our vertical relationship with God where it needs to be.


·       And the fellowship with other Christians helps us to have our horizontal relationship with others where it needs to be.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Know Christ;  Grow in Christ;  Go For Christ

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

May 21, 2018

Spiritual Gifts

Last night, Pastor Bill went over spiritual gifts. Here's a link to a copy of the papers and assessment to discover your spiritual gifts. Please use it to find out yours and, if you want, let Pastor Bill know what yours are. 

May 20, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 20, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




2 Samuel 13-14; Acts 28


2 Samuel 15-17; Psalms 3, 63; Romans 1


2 Samuel 18-20; Psalm 34; Romans 2


2 Samuel 21-23; Psalm 18; Romans 3


2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21; Romans 4


2 Samuel was written by Nathan's sons or Ezra or Jeremiah to the Jews in Israel.

·       2 Samuel chapter 22 – nearly identical to Psalm 18.

·       2 Samuel 23:39 – look who's listed among David's Mighty Men – Uriah the Hittite. He was the husband of Bathsheba.


1 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.



Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)

·       I & II Timothy, Titus, and I & II Peter were written after the events of Acts 28.

·       Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon were written during Paul's imprisonment in Acts 28.


Romans was written by Paul to Roman Christians.

·       Romans 1:17 – 1 of 3 times Paul quotes "The just shall live by faith" (also in Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38).




Mon, May 28 – Memorial Day


Sat, June 2 – The church will be going to Myabi Japanese Steak and Seafood House in Fayetteville, NC. The bus will leave the church at 2:30pm. Please sign up in the foyer, as we will need a head count to make reservations.


Sun, June 3 – Graduate Recognition Sunday


Mon, June 4 – Deacon's Meeting at 7pm


Wed, June 13 – Missions Night


Sun, June 17 – Father's Day – we will not have evening services / activities.


Mon-Fri, June 18-22 – VBS – 6pm til 8:30pm



Let's be in prayer for our VBS beginning June 18 through June 22.


During the month of May, GAs and Acteens are asking for your help to honor/help Foster Moms of Bladen County. Please take a baby bottle and return it with your donation/change, etc. to help us purchase and fill diaper bags for foster moms to receive when they accept a new one into their home.


Sermon Highlights


The causes of our suffering:

·       Sometimes our suffering is the result of natural consequences to our actions or the actions of others.

·       Sometimes our suffering is the result of God allowing Satan to test/tempt/try us.

·       Sometimes our suffering is the result of God chastening us or trying to get our attention.


As we draw closer to God through our suffering, we will fulfill God's purposes and frustrate Satan's plans.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Know Christ;  Grow in Christ;  Go For Christ

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

May 13, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 13, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13; Psalm 60; Acts 23


1 Chronicles 14-16; Acts 24


2 Samuel 7-8; 1 Chronicles 17; Psalm 132; Acts 25


2 Samuel 9-10; 1 Chronicles 18-19; Psalm 89; Acts 26


2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Chronicles 20; Psalm 51, 32; Acts 27


2 Samuel was written by Nathan's sons or Ezra or Jeremiah to the Jews in Israel.

·       2 Samuel 6:6 – according to Exodus 25:15, the poles were supposed to be permanent. Makes you wonder why Uzzah didn't grab the poles.

·       2 Samuel chapter 9 fulfills 1 Samuel 20:14-16.

·       2 Samuel 10:4 – back then, men had full beards to indicate maturity.

·       2 Samuel 12:24 – Solomon is actually their 4th son, according to 1 Chronicles 3.


1 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.

·       1 Chronicles chapter 20 – David's adultery happened at the time of this chapter.


Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)

·       Acts 23:16 – This is the only reference to Paul's family.




Sunday, May 13 – Mother's Day – we will not have evening services / activities.


Saturday, May 19 – Operation InAsMuch at 10am (except the ramp starts at 8am). Our projects will include a Ramp build in E-town, Cancer Center care bags, and lunch deliveries to the police and firefighters in E-town. The kids will do a project that will go with the care bags and to the 1st responders. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up TODAY in the foyer!


Let's be in prayer for our VBS beginning June 18 through June 22.


During the month of May, GAs and Acteens are asking for your help to honor/help Foster Moms of Bladen County. Please take a baby bottle and return it with your donation/change, etc. to help us purchase and fill diaper bags for foster moms to receive when they accept a new one into their home.


Sermon Highlights


The 6 things that our mothers deserve, which we looked at, were Obedience, Respect, Affection, Wisdom, Righteousness, and Care.


·       Obedience – Ephesians 6:1

·       Respect – Ephesians 6:2

·       Affection – 1 King 19:20

·       Wisdom – Proverbs 10:1

·       Righteousness – Psalm 23:24-25

·       Care – 1 Timothy 5:4


Flowers and gifts may not leave a lasting impression, but these will.


Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Know Christ;  Grow in Christ;  Go For Christ

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

May 6, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 6, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




1 Samuel 26-27; 1 Chronicles 8; Acts 18


1 Samuel 28-29; 1 Chronicles 9; Acts 19


1 Samuel 30-31; 1 Chronicles 10; Acts 20


2 Samuel 1-2; 1 Chronicles 11; Psalm 96, 106; Acts 21


2 Samuel 3-5; 1 Chronicles 12; Psalm 122; Acts 22


1 Samuel was written by Samuel to the Jews in Palestine.

·       1 Samuel 26:25 – these are King Saul's last words to David.


2 Samuel was written by Nathan's sons or Ezra or Jeremiah to the Jews in Israel.

·       2 Samuel 1:18 – the book of Jasher was an early account of Israel's history.


1 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.

·       1 Chronicles 11:19 – David poured the drink out as an offering to God.

·       1 Chronicles 12:26 – Levites were exempt from fighting, but 4,600 joined in support of David.


Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)

·       Acts 18:18 – This was probably the Nazarite vow.

·       First and Second Thessalonians were written during the events of chapter 18.

·       First and Second Corinthians were written between chapter 19 and 20. Galatians was written shortly thereafter.

·       Acts 20:35 – this quote by Jesus is not given in the gospels, but was passed down by tradition.

·       Acts 21:23 – This was probably the Nazarite vow.




Monday, May 7, 7pm – Deacon's Meeting.


Wednesday, May 9, 7pm – Missions Night.


Sunday, May 13 – Mother's Day – we will not have evening services / activities.


Saturday, May 19 – Operation InAsMuch at 10am (except the ramp starts at 8am). Our projects will include a Ramp build in E-town, Cancer Center care bags, and lunch deliveries to the police and firefighters in E-town. The kids will do a project that will go with the care bags and to the 1st responders. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up TODAY in the foyer!


Let's be in prayer for our VBS beginning June 18 through June 22.


During the month of May, GAs and Acteens are asking for your help to honor/help Foster Moms of Bladen County. Please take a baby bottle and return it with your donation/change, etc. to help us purchase and fill diaper bags for foster moms to receive when they accept a new one into their home.


Sermon Highlights


Philippians 2:19-30


Like Timothy…

     Let's sincerely care for others.

     Let's serve God.

     And let's raise our children and grandchildren in the Christian faith (like Timothy was).


Like Epaphoditus…

     Let's give of ourselves.

     Let's develop a burden for our church and for our community.

     And let's thank others for the work that they do.




Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Know Christ;  Grow in Christ;  Go For Christ

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

May 2, 2018

Vote on Sunday, May 6th

Don't forget that we vote on the new Bylaws this Sunday, May 6th. 

Hopefully you've had time to review them and the letter that was sent to you. If you have any questions, please ask.

Many thanks,
Bill Cooper