November 27, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


November 27, 2016



Thank you to all who were a part of the covered dish for Old Timers Day!

Thanks also to the Youth Committee for a successful shopping trip!


Bible Reading






Ezekiel 24-26

The execution of Jerusalem's judgment; Oracles against Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia; Judgment on Tyre


Ezekiel 27-29

Judgment on Tyre, Sidon, and Egypt


Ezekiel 30-32

Judgment on Egypt, continued


Ezekiel 33-35

Warning to the exiles; Restoration to the Promised Land


Ezekiel 36-37

Restoration to the Promised Land


Ezekiel 38-39

Restoration to the Promised Land






WOM Christmas

On Saturday, December 3 at 6pm, the WOM will have a covered dish Christmas Dinner with a devotional and games.


Business Meeting

Our next quarterly Business Meeting will be on Sunday, December 4 after the morning service.


Christmas Parade Float

We need some folks to help build a stand for our boat. Please see Kimmie if you can help.

Also, please come to Ronnie and Kimmie's today at 2:30 if you can help out with the float. We need "all hands on deck" with our "Fishers of Men" theme.

Mark your calendars to be a part of the Robbins Parade on Thursday, December 1 (please arrive at the old car wash in Robbins no later than 5pm so we can get set up) and Carthage Parade on Tuesday, December 6.

Please sign up in the foyer to help decorate the float and participate on the parade days!


Christmas Caroling

Be sure to join us on Saturday, December 10 for this event.



The WOM still have cookbooks available. The books are $15 each or 2 for $25. Please see Phyllis to purchase one.


Treat Bags

If you would like to donate to the treat bags, please sign up in the foyer or see Tricia.



Today is the first Sunday of Advent. It's a time of expectation of the coming of the Lord. Today's advent candle represents Hope. The reading is from Psalm 122:1-9.




Something to Think About:


Sin is "I" trouble.

 Many people feel the Church to be cold
because they insist on sitting in the "Z" row.

November 20, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


November 20, 2016



Thank you to all who were a part of last week's covered dish for our Revival Speaker, Kevin Huff!


Bible Reading






Ezekiel 10-12

The vision of the departure of the Lord's glory; the Lord's reply to the invalid hopes of the Israelites


Ezekiel 13-15

The Lord's reply to the invalid hopes of the Israelites, cont.


Ezekiel 16

The Lord's reply to the invalid hopes of the Israelites, cont.


Ezekiel 17-19

The Lord's reply to the invalid hopes of the Israelites, cont.


Ezekiel 20-21

Israel's defective leadership


Ezekiel 22-23

Israel's defective leadership, cont.


Interesting notes:

·        Ezekiel 13:10 – the untampered mortar refers to the false hope given by the false prophets

·        In chapters 20 and 22 there is some repetition. It's there for emphasis.





11am - Fridge Auction Bids are due to Angela or Martin.

12pm - Covered Dish Lunch - all are invited to stay.

After Lunch - Youth Are Shopping for some gifts for some needy kids. Parents are welcome to attend.

6pm - Community Thanksgiving Service at Highfalls United Methodist Church



We will not have Bible Study this Wednesday, November 23 due to Thanksgiving.


Play Practice

Next Sunday, November 27, there will be a practice after church for the kids in the play.


Sunday School Project

Please turn in your money for the Samaritan's Purse animals / items by Sunday, November 27. (Checks can be made payable to the church).


Christmas Parade Float

We need some folks to help build a stand for our boat. Please see Kimmie if you can help.

Also, mark your calendars to be a part of the Robbins Parade on Thursday, December 1 and

Carthage Parade on Tuesday, December 6.

Please sign up in the foyer to help decorate the float and participate on the parade days! Info. On workdays / times will follow.


WOM Christmas

On Saturday, December 3 at 6pm, the WOM will have a covered dish Christmas Dinner with a devotional and games.


Business Meeting

Our next quarterly Business Meeting will be on Sunday, December 4 after the morning service.


Family in Need?

The WOM is looking for a family they can help in some way this Christmas. If you know a family, please let Phyllis or Hilary know.



The WOM still have cookbooks available. The books are $15 each or 2 for $25. Please see Phyllis to purchase one.


Treat Bags

If you would like to donate to the treat bags, please sign up in the foyer or see Tricia.



Something to Think About:


If we subtract from our pocketbook,
we divide what we have,
and we add to God's kingdom many workers
who in turn will multiply the number of souls
who will escape Hell. 

November 13, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


November 13, 2016



Thanks to who helped with and brought items for the John Nall Memorial Scholarship!


Bible Reading






Jeremiah 51

Prophecies addressing Gentiles


Jer 52-Lamentations 2

Destruction and misery of Jerusalem; punishment of Jerusalem


Lamentations 3

The prophet's response to divine judgment


Lam 4-Ezekiel 1

The anger of Yahweh; The response of the godly; The vision of God's glory


Ezekiel 2-5

The Lord's charge to Ezekiel; Ezekiel's initial warnings



Ezekiel's initial warning, cont.; vision of the departure of Yahweh's glory


Interesting notes:

·        Lamentations chapter 1-4 are acrostic poems, each beginning with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

·        The Apocryphal book of Baruch is usually placed between Lamentations and Ezekiel.

·        Ezekiel 2:10 – usually scrolls had writing only on 1 side, this one had writing on both sides.

·        Ezekiel 3:15 – 7 days is the typical mourning period.




The John Nall Scholarship Committee wants to "THANK YOU" for any part; from donating items, working a shift, providing food for workers, setting up and tearing down, etc., (YOU know who you are) that you played in the 2-day yard sale event that took place Friday and Saturday. This event could not have taken place without YOUR participation!


Revival Services

Everyone is invited to stay after the morning service for our covered dish lunch.  

Invite others and join us tonight at 6pm, and Mon - Wed at 7pm.

Let's continue to pray for God to work in our hearts through these services.


Directory Committee

The Directory Committee will meet during or after today's lunch.


Old Timer's Day

Next Sun, Nov 20, is Old Timer's Day. Feel free to dress old-timey and bring a covered dish to share.


Youth Shopping for Kids

After the covered dish lunch next Sun, Nov 20, the youth will go shopping for some needy children in our county. Parents are welcome to attend.


Community Thanksgiving Service

Next Sun, Nov 20, at 6:00pm, the Highfalls United Methodist Church  is hosting the community

Thanksgiving service at 6pm. All are invited to come to this service.


Refrigerator for Auction

Anyone interested in the old refrigerator from the Fellowship Hall may turn in a bid to Angela or Martin by 11am on Sun, Nov 20. Please include your name and phone number.


Play Practice

There will be a practice after preaching on Sun, Nov 27 for all of the kids in the Christmas Play.


Christmas Parade Float

We need some folks to help build a stand for our boat. Please see Kimmie if you can help.


Sunday School Project

Calvarymen have challenged all the SS classes to raise money for Samaritan's Purse to buy animals.


WOM Calendars

There's only 2 more days to order the wall calendars. Please see a WOM member ASAP if you want to order any. They are $7. They will be delivered around Dec 1.


Family in Need?

The WOM is looking for a family they can help in some way this Christmas. If you know of a family, please let Phyllis or Hilary know.



Want a Revival?


If all the sleeping folk will wake up,
If all the lukewarm folk will fire up,
If all the dishonest folk will confess up,
If all the disgruntled folk will sweeten up,

If all the discouraged folk will cheer up,

If all the depressed folk will look up,

If all the estranged folk will make up,
If all the gossipers will shut up,
If all true soldiers will stand up,
If all the dry bones will shake up,
If all the church members will pray up,
Then your church will have a revival!

November 6, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


November 6, 2016



Thanks to who helped with and attended the Chicken Stew and Sing last night!


Bible Reading






Jeremiah 34-36

Incidents before the fall of Jerusalem


Jeremiah 37-40

Incidents during and after the fall of Jerusalem


Jeremiah 41-44

Incidents after the fall of Jerusalem


Jeremiah 45-47

Incidents after the fall of Jerusalem; Oracle against Egypt; and against Philistines


Jeremiah 48

Oracle against Moab


Jeremiah 49-50

The oracle against Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Arab tribes, Elam, and Babylon


Interesting notes:

·        What was prophesied in Jeremiah 24 came to pass when Jehoiachin was taken to Babylon (about 10 years after the prophecy).

·        In Jeremiah 31:2, the Israelites understood "the sword" as a reference to the Canaanites during the Exodus.

·        Jeremiah 31:5 was a reversal of Deuteronomy 28:30.





4:30 - Youth Committee

5:30 - Thiive

6:00 - Bible Study


WOM Meeting

Join us tomorrow (Monday, November 7th) at 6:30pm. Please bring a covered dish.


WOM Calendars

There is only 1 more week  (orders due Nov 15) to order the wall calendars. They are $7. They will be delivered around Dec 1.


Yard Sale

The John Nall Memorial Scholarship Yard Sale will be this Fri, Nov 11 from 3-9pm and this Sat, Nov 12 from 7am-12pm.

Donations of Fall and Winter clothes, Christmas items, and household goods will be accepted starting today (But no encyclopedias, please).

Flyers are available.


Sunday School Project

Calvarymen have challenged all the SS classes to raise money for Samaritan's Purse to buy animals.


Revival Services

Join us and invite others out to our revival services next week (November 13-16).  Our speaker will be local pastor Rev. Kevin Huff from Ashley Heights.

The services will start on Sunday at 11am and at 6pm. Then Monday-Wednesday at 7pm.

Please join us for the covered dish lunch on Sunday.

Flyers are available.


Pray for God to work in your heart through the Revival services.


Refrigerator for Auction

Anyone interested in the old refrigerator from the Fellowship Hall may turn in a bid, to Angela or Martin by 11am on Sunday, November 20. Please include your name and phone number on the bid.



Strange People:


People who say that eternity is more important than time,
but who live for the present life.

People who criticize others for the things they do themselves.

People who stay away from church because of trivial reasons,
and then sing, "Oh, how I love Jesus."

People who live for the devil all their lives
and expect to die like an angel.