August 21, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


August 21, 2016



Thanks again to all who helped with tearing down the decorations and putting the church back together.



Bible Reading






Psalm 57-63



Psalm 64-68



Psalm 69-72



Psalm 73-76



Psalm 77



Psalm 78-79



Interesting notes:

·        Psalms 61-63 were probably written when David was seeking refuse from Absalom's rebellion.

·        The book of Psalms is divided into 5 "books." The second one covers Psalms 42-72. Psalm 72:18-20 is the doxology and closing verse to that "book."

·        Asaph (who wrote Psalm 73-79 and others) was the leaders of David's Levitical choir.

·        In Psalm 78:44-51, we see 7 of the 10 plagues spoken about (in the following order: 1st, 4th, 2nd, 8th, 7th, 5th, 10th)




Youth Lake Trip

The Youth will be going to Lake Tillery on Saturday, August 27 from 10:00am until 8:00pm.

Don't forget to bring your Towel, Bathing Suit, Change of Clothes, Sunscreen, Life Jacket (if you have one), and $5 toward food.

Parents need to accompany any children under 12.


Youth Medical Release

If you haven't turned in a medical release form  this year, please get one today and return it on or before Saturday.


Calvarymen's Meeting

Men, join us on Thursday, September 1 at 6:30pm for a time of food, fellowship, and Bible.


Our Daily Bread

There are copies of the Our Daily Bread devotional for September, October, and November available in the foyer.


Business Meeting

We will have a business meeting on Sunday,

September 11 after the morning service to vote on the By-laws and guidelines, nominations, budget, and a confidence vote. Please pick up a copy of these papers today or look for them online soon.


September Events

Thursday, Sept. 1—Calvarymen's Meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 6—WOM Meeting

Sunday, Sept 11—Business Meeting

Saturday, Sept 17—Youth Trip to Dan Nicholas Park

Sunday, Sept 18—Camp Duncan presentation and covered dish lunch  



Lighten Up:


A lady arriving at a church concert found two men at the door selling tickets.
"Oh," she said, "You're selling tickets! Why, I thought you were going to take up a collection, so I didn't bring any money along."

August 14, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


August 14, 2016



Thank you to all who helped with VBS!

Thank you to all who helped with decorations/preparations, too!



Bible Reading






Psalm 29-33



Psalm 34-36



Psalm 37-39



Psalm 40-45



Psalm 46-50



Psalm 51-56



Interesting notes:

·        Psalm 33:6-7 summarizes the creation account in Genesis 1

·        The book of Psalms is divided into 5 "books." The first one covers Psalms 1-41. Psalm 42:13 is the doxology at the end of that first "book."




Thanks to all who made VBS great!


Thanks to Kimmie for heading it up!


Special thanks to all who decorated & tore down decorations.


VBS Recap

Our highest attendance for the kids was 50 and for the teens was 20!

We want to thank the meal crew, crew leaders, station leaders, teen helpers, and parents (55 total) who helped throughout the week. 

We also have a trunk full of items for the Kids Helping Kids food/clothing drive!


Building and Grounds

They will meet briefly today after the morning service.



They will meet briefly today after the Building and Grounds meeting.


Wednesday Night

Don't forget to bring your Bible discussion questions for this Wednesday night.


Men's Steak Dinner

Join us at Beulah Baptist this Sat, Aug 20 at 5pm for dinner and Bible challenge.


Youth Committee

They will meet at 4:30pm on Sunday, August 21.


Youth Lake Trip

The Youth will be going to Lake Tillery on Saturday, August 27.

We will meet at the church at 10:00am and be back at 8:00pm.

Don't forget to bring these items: Bathing suit, Towel, Sunscreen, Change of Clothes, Life Jacket (if you have one), and $5 toward food.

If you haven't turned in a medical release form this year, get one today and

return it before August 27.

Parents need to accompany any children under 12. 




Lighten Up:


A mother heard her youngest son close his prayer with this:

"…and dear God, don't let anything happen to You or we'll all be in a mess."

August 7, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


August 7, 2016



Thank you to all who are volunteering for Vacation Bible School. With the Lord's blessing, and with your help, it will be great!



Bible Reading






Job 39-41

God continues to ask Job about His creation. Job wants answers from God, but God rebukes him. God asks Job to explain some of His creatures.


Job 42-Psalm 6

Job submits to God and repents. God restores Job.


Psalm 7-13



Psalm 14-17



Psalm 18-22



Psalm 23-28



Interesting notes:

·         Psalm 2:12 – "Kiss the Son" means to fully surrender to Him.

·         Psalm 9 and 10 may have originally been 1 Psalm.

·         Psalm 14 and 53 are about the same; Psalm 18 and 2 Samuel 2:2 are about the same

·         Psalm 22 – the Good Shepherd; Psalm 23 – the Great Shepherd; Psalm 24 – the Chief Shepherd





Please Pray for VBS!


VBS Cave Raising...

Please plan to stay after the service Today for lunch, VBS songs, info, and decorating the church.


VBS T-shirts

Please pickup your t-shirts today in the Fellowship Hall.


VBS Advertising

Please pick up some colored flyers from the front entrance to post at your favorite restaurant, store, etc. to help spread the word about Cave Quest at Calvary!


VBS Celebration

Join us this Saturday (Aug 13) from 10am until noon at the pool in Biscoe. (All children must be accompanied by an adult).



Vacation Bible School

August 8th - 13th


"Cave Quest:
Following Jesus,
the Light of the World"


5:30-6:30pm- Supper

6:30-8:30pm- VBS!


Who will you invite to VBS?


Prayer: Please pray that many kids will attend, be impacted, and desire to follow Jesus. Pray for workers and for their strength.


Volunteers: Last call to sign up!


Food: Last call to sign up to bring food and drinks!


Towels: Don't forget to bring in old towels for kids to stand on.



Cave Quest Mission Project:

This year's VBS mission project:


Kid Helping Kids

Northern Moore Family

Resource Center


School will be starting soon and families may need help with some food or clothing items. That's where our VBS can help out. We want to encourage children and their families to bring in non-perishable items to help local kids start off School with the lunch/ snack/clothing items they need.


New Year Bid Forms

Bid forms for the custodial and lawn services will be due by 11:00 am next Sunday (Aug 14).


Building and Grounds
We will meet briefly after the service next Sunday.


Men's Steak Dinner

We'll go to Beulah on Sat, Aug. 20 at 5pm for a dinner and a Bible challenge.





Something to Think About:


Prayer isn't so much the getting of the answer
as it is a getting hold of the god who answers prayer.


August 1, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections
Reflecting on God’s Word
Reflecting God to the World
July 31, 2016

Thank you to all who are volunteering for Vacation Bible School. With the Lord’s blessing, and with your help, it will be great!

Bible Reading

Job 22-25
Eliphaz again suggests that Job has sinned and needs to confess it. Job desires to have an audience with God, as he is guiltless. He agrees that wickedness is sometimes unpunished, but it will be punished by God. Bildad states the uncleanness of man.
Job 26-29
Job rebukes and mocks Bildad, recounting God’s power. He gives the heritage of the wicked compared to the treasures of God’s wisdom. Job longs for the past.
Job 30-31
Job relates his present calamity. He again shares his innocence.
Job 32-33
Elihu shares his wisdom, explaining that they should listen to him, they shouldn’t accuse God, and that God does chasten.
Job 34-36
Elihu shares how God cannot be unjust, He punishes the wicked, and man should be humble. God cannot be compared to anything. He is omnipotent, just, and worthy of praise.
Job 37-38
Man should fear God and remember that His wisdom surpasses anyone else’s. God questions Job about the various things that He made.

Interesting notes:
·         Job 28:16 – the gold of Ophir was the finest gold available. Even that cannot buy wisdom.
·         Job 29:6 – bathing with cream (or butter) was a symbol of riches and luxury.
·         Job 32 – Where did Elihu come from? He wasn’t with the other 3 at the beginning of the speeches?
·         In Job 38 and following, God answers Job – as in addresses him. God does not answer any of Job’s questions, though.  


All women are invited on Mon, Aug. 1 at 6:00pm. Please bring some food. We’ll elect officers, have a devotion, and work on VBS.

All men are invited on Thurs,  Aug 4 at 6:30pm. Bring food and be ready for spiritual renewal! (And more VBS Preparation)

VBS T-shirts
T-shirt orders are due today.  Envelopes are at the entrance.  If you would like to donate extra funds to purchase a child shirt please mark that on the envelope.

VBS Advertising
Please pick up some colored flyers from the front entrance to post at your favorite restaurant, store, etc. to help spread the word about Cave Quest at Calvary!

VBS Supplies
There are several items that we still need for VBS. Please check the lists at the entrance.

VBS Cave Raising...
Plan to stay after the service on Sunday, Aug 7 for lunch, VBS songs, info, and decorating the church.

Cave Quest Mission Project:
This year's VBS mission project will be:

Kid Helping Kids
Northern Moore Family
Resource Center
School will be starting soon and families may need help with some food or clothing items. That's where our VBS can help out. We want to encourage children and their families to bring in non perishable items to help local kids Start off School with the lunch/ snack/clothing items they need.

Cave Quest Volunteers Still Needed
See where you can be a part of the fun and fellowship!

Vacation Bible School
August 8th - 13th

“Cave Quest:
Following Jesus,
the Light of the World”

5:30-6:30pm- Supper
6:30-8:30pm- VBS!

Who will  you invite to VBS?

Please pray that many kids will attend, be impacted, and desire to follow Jesus. Pray for workers and for their strength.

New Year Bid Forms
Bid forms for the custodial and lawn services will be due by 11:00 am on Sunday, August 14th.

Lighten Up:

Rastus was asked by his pastor which parable he liked the best.
His reply: “Well, pastah, I like de one wher dey loafs and fishes.”

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections
Reflecting on God’s Word
Reflecting God to the World
July 24, 2016

Thank you to all who are volunteering for Vacation Bible School. With the Lord’s blessing, and with your help, it will be great!

Bible Reading

Job 5-7
Eliphaz tells Job that the punishment is from God. Job tells Eliphaz that his case is just, and he wants friendship, and even desires to die.
Job 8-10
Bildad gives examples of God’s justice with others and Job. Job tells him that God is just, but he is innocent. He wants to deliberate with God
Job 11-13
Zaphar tells Job to repent to God. Job rebukes him and the other friends. Job asks God to show him his wrongdoing.
Job 14-16
Job speaks of the brevity of life and results of sin. Eliphaz rebukes Job. Job rebukes his “help”
Job 17-19
Job’s hope is in his death. Bildad shares about the calamites of the wicked. Job complains about how he’s treated and calls for pity.
Job 20-21
Zophar is angry with Job. Job’s complaint is against God, and he rejects his friends’ responses.

Interesting notes:
·         The phrase “let me alone till I swallow my saliva” (Job 7:19) was a common phrase meaning to be left alone for a while.
·         In Job 9:9, “Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades” were names of constellations.
·         Regarding Job 10:21-22, pone Jewish view of death is that it is a joyless dark place.  


Building and Grounds Mtg
Will meet at 8am on Sat, July 30.

All women are invited on Mon, Aug. 1at 6:30p. Please bring some food and your questions.

All men are invited on Thurs, Aug 4 at 6:30pm. Bring food and be ready for spiritual renewal!

VBS Preparation Day
Everyone is invited to stay after the morning service on Sun, Aug 7. We’ll have lunch, go over some details for VBS, go over a couple of the songs, and then finish decorating the church for VBS.

VBS Forms
Registration forms and T-Shirt order envelopes are available in the foyer. Shirts are $6. Also, the deadline is next Sun, July 31.

Sandhills Propane
They’ll lock our members in at a rate of $1.55 for the year (thru 3/31/17). Call them as soon as possible at 910-695-1804 .

2016-17 Positions Available
Church Clerk (2)
Communion Committee (1)
Directory Committee (1)
High School/College Teacher(1)
Men’s Sun. Coordinator (1)
Nominating Committee (4)
Outreach Committee (1)
Press Release (1)
Women’s Sun. Coordinators (2)
Youth Committee (2)

VBS Help
Pray about where God will have you serve in our VBS this year. Sign up to be a Crew Leader or see Kimmie about other positions we have available. 

Vacation Bible School
August 8th - 13th

“Cave Quest:
Following Jesus,
the Light of the World”
5:30-6:30pm- Supper
6:30-8:30pm- VBS!
Let’s invite everyone  - our own children, neighbors, & enemies. Who can you invite to VBS?
Things To Pray For:
Þ  For kids to come out!
Þ  For spiritual seeds to be planted and watered in kids.
Þ  For at least 1 kid salvation.
Þ  For volunteers to step up.
Þ  For God to empower those volunteers.
Þ  For what you can do to help!


Lighten Up:

“Why do you always bow your head when you go to the pulpit?”
asked the preacher’s little daughter.

“I pray and ask God to give me a good sermon,”
was dad’s reply.

“But daddy, why doesn’t God ever do it?”

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections
Reflecting on God’s Word
Reflecting God to the World
July 17, 2016

Thank you to Curtis for opening his place at the river to the Men for their fishing trip. Thanks to all who went, helped, and cleaned up afterwards.  

Bible Reading

Nehemiah 8-9
Ezra reads the Law, they celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, and the people confess their sin.
Nehemiah 10-11
The people make a covenant and we have a list of those in Jerusalem.
Nehemiah 12-13
Nehemiah dedicates the wall and enacts reforms.
Esther 1-4
King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes) gets rid of Queen Vashti and gains Esther as queen. Haman plots to kill the Jews. Esther agrees to help the Jews (after all, she is one).
Esther 5-10
Esther has 2 banquets for the king and eventually reveals Haman’s plan. Haman is hanged and the Jews are saved. The feast of Purim is established and Mordecai advances in the kingdom.
Job 1-4
God allows Satan to test Job, a righteous man. Satan harms his possessions and then his body. Job curses the day he was born. He begins to be comforted by “friends.”

Interesting notes:
·         Mordechai is Esther’s cousin, not uncle.
·         Although God is not explicitly mentioned in Esther, we see His work behind the scenes.  


VBS Items Needed
We need the following items today: Spray foam (cans), Foam coolers, Milk jugs (rinsed), 2-liter bottles, Pool noodles (dollar store), Corn starch (boxes), Plastic table clothes (black, brown, grey). 

Pray for Summer Camp
Let’s pray for the youth who are going to summer camp this week: Grace, Jaden, Makayla, Austin, Jared, Jesse, and Josh.

VBS Help
Pray about where God will have you serve in our VBS this year. Sign up to be a Crew Leader or see Kimmie about other positions we have available. 

Building and Grounds Mtg
We will meet at 8am on Saturday, July 30.

Sandhills Propane
They’ll lock our members in at a rate of $1.549 for the year (good thru 3/31/17).  Please call them at 910-695-1804 as soon as possible.

2016-17 Positions Available
Church Clerk (2)
Communion Committee (1)
Directory Committee (1)
High School/College Teacher(1)
Men’s Sun. Coordinator (1)
Nominating Committee (4)
Outreach Committee (1)
Press Release (1)
Women’s Sun. Coordinators (2)

VBS Forms
Registration forms and T-Shirt order envelopes are available in the foyer. Shirts are $6.

VBS Help
Pray about where God will have you to serve in our VBS this year. Sign up to be a Crew Leader or see Kimmie about other positions we have available. 

Vacation Bible School
August 8th - 13th
“Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World”
 5:30-6:30pm- Supper
6:30-8:30pm- VBS!
 Let’s invite everyone  - our own children, neighbors, & enemies.
 Things To Pray For:
Þ  For kids to come out!
Þ  For spiritual seeds to be planted and watered in kids.
Þ  For at least 1 kid salvation.
Þ  For volunteers to step up.
Þ  For God to empower those volunteers.
Þ  For what you can do to help!


Just Remember:
Only one life ‘twill soon be passed,

only what’s done for Christ will last.

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections
Reflecting on God’s Word
Reflecting God to the World
July 10, 2016
(Please note the questions at the bottom).


Thank you to the Building and Ground Committee for working on the AC unit.

Bible Reading

Ezra 4-7
Isreal continues to rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem, despite the opposition that they are encountering. It even gets political, with letters exchanged and decrees given. Ezra arrives on the scene.
Ezra 8-9
The families who returned are listed, as well as those who served, the gifts brought, and so forth. Unfortunately, the Israelites also intermarried with pagans.
Ezra 10-Nehemiah 2
Those marriages are confessed, repented of, and the pagan wives were sent away. Nehemiah prays for his people and goes to Judah.
Nehemiah 3-5
They continue to rebuild the wall, with each family building a section near to them. They worked with tools and weapons in hand. Nehemiah steps in to help with the oppression.
Nehemiah 6
The conspiracy against Nehemiah is seen and the wall is completed.
Nehemiah 7
The captives return to Jerusalem – and they are listed here.

Interesting notes:
·         The book of Esther chronologically goes between Ezra 4:6 and Ezra 4:7.
·         In Ezra 8:36, satraps were governors.
·         In Nehemaih 2:6, Nehemiah had stayed gone for about 12 years.


Men’s Fishing Trip
Men, join us at Curtis’ place on the river about 6pm this Friday, July 15. We’ll fish all night and then clean up in the morning. Please bring drinks, desserts, chips. And also some bait.

Prayer Room
Join us 15 minutes prior to the services as we pray for the church. Please sign up in the foyer to lead that prayer time for a month as well.

Pray for Summer Camp
Let’s lift up in prayer the youth who are going to summer camp July 18-22. They are: Grace, Jaden, Makayla, Austin, Jared, Jesse, Josh, and Roston.

Women’s Restroom
Please be careful, as we are renovating the restroom.

2016-17 Positions Available
Church Clerk (2)
Communion Committee (1)
Directory Committee (1)
Men’s Sun. Coordinator (1)
Nominating Committee (4)
Outreach Committee (1)
Press Release (1)
Refreshment Committee (2)
Women’s Sun. Coordinators (2)

VBS Items Needed
We need the following items put in the Fellowship Hall by next Sunday, July 17: Spray foam (cans), Foam coolers, Milk jugs (rinsed), 2-liter bottles, Pool noodles (dollar store), Corn starch (boxes), Plastic table clothes (black, brown, grey). 
 We need Crew Leaders to go around with 3 other leaders and be responsible for watching 6 or less kids. You won’t have to teach, but you will have fun!

Vacation Bible School    August 8th - 13th
“Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World”
 5:30-6:30pm- Supper
6:30-8:30pm- VBS!
 Who can you invite, and maybe even bring yourself, to VBS?
 Let’s invite everyone  - our own children, neighbors, & enemies.
 Things To Pray For:
 * For kids to come out!
 * For spiritual seeds to be planted and watered in kids.
 * For at least 1 kid salvation.
  *For volunteers to step up.
  *For God to empower those volunteers.
  *For what you can do to help!


Just Remember:
We Christians are in the minority today,
but we will win,
for if God be for us, what can be against us!

Question About The Newsletter

What do you find beneficial about the Newsletter?
What do you dislike about the Newsletter?

What would you like to see in the Newsletter that isn’t already in it?