May 29, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 29, 2016




Thank you to all of the committee chairs and representatives who stayed for our lunch last Sunday. That's part of what it takes, all of us pulling together, helping each other out!



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (1 Kings 20-2 King 10) begins with more mischief by Jezebel and Ahab defeating the Syrians, and ends with Jezebel's death and the death of Ahab's sons.

Ahab and Jezebel continue to wreak havoc against the Syrians and stealing a vineyard in chapter 20-21. After Ahab's death (chapter 22), we see Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah reigning over the divided Israel. 2 Kings 1 continues the tale of Ahaziah and his death. Chapter 2 shares Elijah's ascension into Heaven and the continuation of his ministry through Elisha. His miracles are recorded in chapter 4-6. The reigns of Jehoram, Jehu, and Joram are given in chapters 8-10.


Interesting notes:

·         In 1 Kings 19:18, kissing Baal, or an idol, showed your loyalty to it.

·         2 Kings 2:3 – the "sons of the prophets" was a school of prophets.






All men are invited out this Thursday, June 2 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal!


Homecoming / Cleanup

Everyone is needed to help clean the church. Join us this Saturday, June 4 or see a Building & Grounds member for another date to help with some projects.


Graduation Sunday

Next Sunday, June 5, we will be honoring our graduates.


Business Meeting

Next Sun, June 5, at 7:10pm, we'll have a Quarterly Business Meeting to discuss changes to the Bylaws and guidelines.

 We encourage all committees to give an update.  (If possible, please give a copy to Tricia).



Please review your recipes for any changes. Please write those up (with name of recipe and page number) and get them to Patricia by next Sunday, June 5. 



All women are invited out on Monday, June 6 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and Bible questions.


Our Daily Bread

The June-August copies of the Our Daily Bread are available in the foyer or download the smartphone app, or online:



Scholarship forms are available in the office for any high school graduate who is an active member of Calvary and who will be attending college (in a 2-year or 4-year program).


Church Office

Please refrain from entering the office when the door is closed between Sunday School and Church.



Homecoming Sunday is on Sunday, June 12.

 We'll have our Sunday School opening at 10am followed by a time of fellowship. We'll have our worship service at 11am followed by a potluck lunch.

 Please let Rita or Betty know if you want to put any flowers in the church.

 Please remove all old flowers from graves before June 12.




Just Remember:

During the time that Noah was building the Ark,
he was very much in the minority,
but he won (with God)!

May 22, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 22, 2016




Thanks to everyone who helped with the Yard Sale and Community Fun Day!



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (1 Kings 8-19) begins with the dedication of the Temple and ends with the prophet Elijah on the run.

Chapters 8-9 is the final setting up and dedication of the Temple. In chapter 10, Solomon erroneously shows off his wealth. In chapter 11, his heart turns from God to his wives gods. We also see the start of the kingdom dividing, with his sons Jeroboam and Rehoboam each vying for the throne. The problems between these boys last through chapter 14. The damage is done, though, and we see the Northern and Southern kingdoms separate and ruled by separate kings for quite some time. In chapter 17, we start in on the life of Elijah, his prophesies and miracles. Not only does he foretell of a drought, but he also helps a widow during that drought. In chapter 18, God gets the victory over the Baal worshipers. This infuriates Queen Jezebel, who is now after Elijah.


Interesting notes:

·         Notice in chapter 8 that Solomon prays for: 1) God's presence; 2) Desire to do God's will; 3) Help for each day's need; 4) desire and ability to obey God; 5) the spread of God's kingdom

·         1 Kings 9:8, and other verses, use the word "proverb." In these cases, it is a mocking or ridicule.

·         1 Kings chapter 11 is Solomon's spiritual "Chapter 11"

·         1 Kings 12:20 marks the beginning of the division of the kingdom

·         1 Kings 13 prophecy was fulfilled 200 years later (in 2 Kings 23)

·         1 Kings 19:18 – "kissing" Baal meant pledging your loyalty to it





Thank you to the Outreach Comm. and to Everyone who helped make the Yard Sale / Fun Day a success!



Committee Chair Lunch

All of the committee chairs are encouraged to stay today for our covered dish lunch and to share about our committees.


Lifeline Screenings

This will be in the Fellowship Hall this Tuesday, May 24. Please take a flyer and call to register for your Annual Wellness Visit. We have 2 vouchers for those in need.


Business Meeting

On Sunday, June 5, at 7:10pm, we'll have another Quarterly Business Meeting. We will vote on changes to the Bylaws and committee guidelines. You should receive a packet today regarding these changes.  We also would also like to encourage all committees to give an update.



Homecoming / Cleanup

On Saturday, June 4 everyone is invited to help us clean up the church for Homecoming. If you can't help that day, please see a Building & Grounds member for the dates of some other work.



Please review your recipes for corrections or additions. Tricia will be compiling a list of those corrections to place in the front of the cookbooks.

 Please write those up (with name of recipe and page number) and get them to Patricia by June 5. 



Our Daily Bread

The June-August copies of the Our Daily Bread are available in the foyer. You can also access it online ( or download their app from the App Store (Apple) or from the Google Play Store (Android). Also check out






Can I be a Christian without joining the church or attending worship?

Yes, it is possible. It is something like being:


A student who will not go to school.


A soldier who will not join an army.


A citizen who does not pay taxes or vote.


A salesman with no customers.


An explorer with no base camp.


A seaman on a ship without a crew.


A businessman on a deserted island.


An author without readers.


A tuba player without an orchestra.


A parent without a family.


A football player without a team.


A politician who is a hermit.


A scientist who does not share his findings.


A bee without a hive.

May 15, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 8, 2016




Thanks to everyone who helped with the Youth Fishing Event yesterday!



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (2 Samuel 20-1 Kings 7) begins with a beheading and ends with a building.

Chapter 20 sees Sheba losing his head for revolting against David. In chapter 21, David makes amends to the Gibeonites. In Chapter 22-23, David gives a psalm and some final words. 2 Samuel ends with David taking a census of the people.

In 1 Kings, David's son Adonijah tries to be the king, but David selected Solomon, who kills Adonijah and others who are vying for the throne. In chapters 3-4 we see the wisdom of Solomon and his prosperity. Chapter 5-7 deal with the preparation and building of the Temple.


Interesting notes:

·         2 Samuel 22 is Psalm 18.

·         Check out the last name in the list of David's mighty men (in ch. 23). Where have we heard that name before? David certainly stabbed one of his men in the back, didn't he?

·         1 Kings 4:32 – these writings of Solomon include the Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Psalms 72 and 127, as well as some things not recorded in Scripture.






12pm—Building and Grounds

4:30pm—VBS Meeting


6pm—Bible Study.


Honoring Graduates

Please let Pastor Bill know the names of those from Calvary graduating from high school or college. He needs their full name, their school, and briefly their plans after graduation.


Committee Chair Lunch

Next Sunday, May 22, all committee chairs are encouraged to bring a covered dish and stay for the meeting.


Lifeline Screenings

This will be in the Fellowship Hall on Tues, May 24. Please take a flyer register for your Annual Wellness Visit. We have 2 vouchers for those in need.


Homecoming / Cleanup

On Saturday, June 4 everyone is invited to help us clean up the church for Homecoming. If you can't help that day, please see a Building & Grounds member for the dates of some other work.



Please review your recipes for corrections or additions. Tricia will be compiling a list of those corrections to place in the front of the cookbooks. Please write those up with name of recipe and page number.


Yard Sale Items / Help

Items are due in by 6pm on Friday (May 20). Everyone is welcome to help sort / price these items at 6pm on Friday.


We will also need help setting up for the yard sale at 6am on Saturday.


Fun Day / Yard Sale

The Yard Sale is this Saturday, May 21, from 7am until 2pm.

 Our Fun Day is this Saturday, May 21, from 10am until 2pm.


We will need: tents (10x10), cakes (for the cake walk), and lots of helpers. We'll need help with parking starting ahead of 7am. Please sign up on the sheet in foyer.


We have flyers available to be passed out in the community.


We have gospel tracts to pass out when you invite people to attend this event. Continue to pray for the Lord to use this to spiritually impact our neighbors and the community.




God's Prescription…

If you are getting lazy, watch James.

If you are losing sight of the future, climb up the stairs of Revelation and get a glimpse of the promised land.

May 8, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 8, 2016




Thanks to the Calvarymen for helping to honor mothers today.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (2 Samuel 3-19) covers Abner's attempt to have David be king through David becoming king after Absalom's death.

Chapter 3 sees Abner try to have David be king, and was killed for it. Chapter 4 sees 2 men kill the enemy but punished for it. Chapters 5-10 sees David set up as king over Jerusalem, the moving of the Ark to Jerusalem, David's covenant, and victories. In chapter 11, we see David's spiritual bankruptcy when he sinned with Bath-Sheba and was punished in chapter 12. In chapters 13-16 sees Absalom and his brothers battle, Absalom's wickedness, and his usurping the throne from David. More treachery pursues in chapters 17-18, leading to Absalom's death in chapter 18 and David returning to the throne in chapter 19.


Interesting thoughts:

·         In chapter 6, the men sinned by bringing the Ark on a cart, Uzzah sinned by touching the Ark. Uzzah could have caught the Ark properly by grabbing the poles.

·         In chapter 9, David was not obligated to care for Mephibosheth, Saul's remaining son.

·         In 10:4, talk about your insults. Men wore long beards to show their maturity, now they were 1/2 cut off…and so were their clothes.

·         Solomon, born in 12:24, is David and Bathsheba's 4th son.





Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers!


Missions Offering

Today's second offering is the Annie Armstrong offering. Every penny of this offering goes to support our North American missionaries.


Youth Fishing Trip

This coming Saturday, May 14, the youth will be fishing at Jr's pond from 1-4pm.

There will be prizes and snacks.

Bring your rods, reels, bait, tackle boxes and friends!


Honoring Graduates

We will honor High school and College graduates on Sunday, June 5.

Please let Pastor Bill know the names of any graduates from Calvary by May 15.


Yard Sale

Please bring in your spring and summer clothing as well as other items as soon as you can for the Yard Sale, which will be on Saturday, May 21 at 7am.

Everyone is welcome to help sort these on Friday, May 20.


Community Fun Day

Our Fun Day will be Saturday, May 21 from 10am until 2pm. Start spreading the word around!

We will need cakes for the cakewalk and help in a variety of areas. Please sign up on the sheet in foyer.

Let's pray for the Lord to use this to impact the community.


Committee Chair Lunch

On Sunday, May 22, all committee chairs are encouraged to bring a covered dish and stay for the meeting.

Homecoming / Cleanup

On Saturday, June 4 we will be cleaning up the church for our Homecoming (Sun, June 12).

Please join us on June 4 and help with the cleanup. If you cannot help that day, please see a B&G member for the dates of some other work.


Lifeline Screenings

This will be in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, May 24. Please take a flyer register for your Annual Wellness Visit. The pastor has 2 vouchers for those in need.



Please review your recipes for corrections or additions. Tricia will be compiling a list of those corrections to place in the front of the cookbooks. Please write those up with name of recipe and page number. 



God's Prescription…

If you are chilly, get the beloved disciple to put his arms around you.

If your faith is weak, read Paul.

May 1, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 1, 2016




Thanks to those who have contributed ideas the last two Wednesday nights on how we can better incorporate prayer in our church. Looking forward to seeing some of these implemented.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (1 Samuel 18- 2 Samuel 2) covers David and Saul just after Goliath is killed through David being anointed king of Judah.

In chapter 18, Saul's hatred toward David begins with David being praised over Saul. In chapters 19-20, we see the strange relationship between these men as David calms Saul with music, but yet Saul still wants to kill David. David and Jonathan's friendship grows in chapters 20 on. Beginning with chapter 21, David is on the run from Saul, bands together with an army of 400 men, and has some adventures. In chapter 24, David could have killed Saul, but doesn't. In chapter 25 we see Samuel's death. In chapter 26 David again spares Saul's life (even though Saul still wants to kill him). In chapters 27-28, David sides with the enemy, the Philistines. After a while, they reject him (chapter 29). In chapter 30 David fights with the Amalekites and in chapter 31 Saul dies in battle and by killing himself.

In 2 Samuel 1-2, David curses the man who tells him of Saul's death (and for good reason) and David is anointed king over Judah.



Interesting thoughts:

·         Oh what an interesting situation we have in chapters 18-20. Saul hates David but still lets him marry his daughter and asks him to play the harp for him to calm him. Yet, he still tries to kill him. And Saul's son Jonathan strikes up a great friendship with David that almost seems like Jonathan would choose David over his own dad.

·         Notice in chapter 21 that David gets to take Goliath's sword.

·         Chapter 23:14-18 may have been the last time that Jonathan and David say each other.

·         Even though Saul wanted to kill David, David refused to kill Saul on 2 occasions (chapters 24 and 26).

·         1 Samuel 24:3 actually refers to Saul using the bathroom.

·         Saul has departed from God and went to seeking a medium to get advice from Samuel (who was dead) in chapter 28. Did this lady actually bring Samuel's spirit back? Some say yes. Others say that it was a demon who knew things about Samuel. Either way, nothing about the future is revealed.

·         Saul was worried about how he'd be remembered in his death – and didn't want to be known as one who was killed by the Philistines in chapter 31.

·         2 Samuel 1:18 – the Book of Jasher was an early account of the history of the Jews.  






12:00p—B&G Lunch / Mtg

4:30p—Youth Comm.


6:00p—Bible Study



Association Senior Banquet

The banquet is tomorrow Monday, May 2 at 6pm at the First Baptist Church in Robbins.




All women are invited to our meeting on Tuesday, May 3 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal! We will also reveal our Secret Sisters.



All men are invited to our meeting this Thursday, May 5 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal!



Missions Offering

Next Sunday, we will be collecting the Annie Armstrong offering.

Every penny of this offering goes to support our North American missionaries. Please take a prayer card as you leave so you can pray for one of our missionaries.  

Pray about what the Lord would have you to give.


Prayer Guides

Speaking of prayer, we have more 30 days of prayer guides available in the foyer.


Youth Fishing Trip

Next Saturday, May 14, the youth will be fishing at Jr's pond from 1-4pm.

 There will be prizes and snacks.

 Bring your tackle boxes, rods and friends and join us!


Honoring Graduates

We will be honoring our graduates (High School and College) on Sunday, June 5. Please let Pastor Bill know the names of any graduates from Calvary by May 15.






God's Prescription…

If you are a policy man, read Daniel.

If you are getting morbid, spend a while with Isaiah.