May 1, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


May 1, 2016




Thanks to those who have contributed ideas the last two Wednesday nights on how we can better incorporate prayer in our church. Looking forward to seeing some of these implemented.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (1 Samuel 18- 2 Samuel 2) covers David and Saul just after Goliath is killed through David being anointed king of Judah.

In chapter 18, Saul's hatred toward David begins with David being praised over Saul. In chapters 19-20, we see the strange relationship between these men as David calms Saul with music, but yet Saul still wants to kill David. David and Jonathan's friendship grows in chapters 20 on. Beginning with chapter 21, David is on the run from Saul, bands together with an army of 400 men, and has some adventures. In chapter 24, David could have killed Saul, but doesn't. In chapter 25 we see Samuel's death. In chapter 26 David again spares Saul's life (even though Saul still wants to kill him). In chapters 27-28, David sides with the enemy, the Philistines. After a while, they reject him (chapter 29). In chapter 30 David fights with the Amalekites and in chapter 31 Saul dies in battle and by killing himself.

In 2 Samuel 1-2, David curses the man who tells him of Saul's death (and for good reason) and David is anointed king over Judah.



Interesting thoughts:

·         Oh what an interesting situation we have in chapters 18-20. Saul hates David but still lets him marry his daughter and asks him to play the harp for him to calm him. Yet, he still tries to kill him. And Saul's son Jonathan strikes up a great friendship with David that almost seems like Jonathan would choose David over his own dad.

·         Notice in chapter 21 that David gets to take Goliath's sword.

·         Chapter 23:14-18 may have been the last time that Jonathan and David say each other.

·         Even though Saul wanted to kill David, David refused to kill Saul on 2 occasions (chapters 24 and 26).

·         1 Samuel 24:3 actually refers to Saul using the bathroom.

·         Saul has departed from God and went to seeking a medium to get advice from Samuel (who was dead) in chapter 28. Did this lady actually bring Samuel's spirit back? Some say yes. Others say that it was a demon who knew things about Samuel. Either way, nothing about the future is revealed.

·         Saul was worried about how he'd be remembered in his death – and didn't want to be known as one who was killed by the Philistines in chapter 31.

·         2 Samuel 1:18 – the Book of Jasher was an early account of the history of the Jews.  






12:00p—B&G Lunch / Mtg

4:30p—Youth Comm.


6:00p—Bible Study



Association Senior Banquet

The banquet is tomorrow Monday, May 2 at 6pm at the First Baptist Church in Robbins.




All women are invited to our meeting on Tuesday, May 3 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal! We will also reveal our Secret Sisters.



All men are invited to our meeting this Thursday, May 5 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal!



Missions Offering

Next Sunday, we will be collecting the Annie Armstrong offering.

Every penny of this offering goes to support our North American missionaries. Please take a prayer card as you leave so you can pray for one of our missionaries.  

Pray about what the Lord would have you to give.


Prayer Guides

Speaking of prayer, we have more 30 days of prayer guides available in the foyer.


Youth Fishing Trip

Next Saturday, May 14, the youth will be fishing at Jr's pond from 1-4pm.

 There will be prizes and snacks.

 Bring your tackle boxes, rods and friends and join us!


Honoring Graduates

We will be honoring our graduates (High School and College) on Sunday, June 5. Please let Pastor Bill know the names of any graduates from Calvary by May 15.






God's Prescription…

If you are a policy man, read Daniel.

If you are getting morbid, spend a while with Isaiah.

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