September 25, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


September 25, 2016



Thank you to the women who brought desserts and to the men who helped with last night's Fish Fry!


Bible Reading






Proverbs 24-25

Covers the sayings of anonymous sages and proverbial comparisons


Proverbs 26-28

Covers more proverbial comparisons


Proverbs 29-30

Covers more proverbial comparisons and the sayings of Agur


Proverbs 31-Ecclesiastes 2

Prov 31 covers the strength of a good woman. Eccl 1-2 covers the meaninglessness of wisdom, pleasure, and labor.


Ecclesiastes 3-6

God's control/judgement; prosperity/vanity; worshipping God; and the futility of life


Ecclesiastes 7-10

Comparison of the wise and foolish; submitting to authority and God's moral purposes; enjoy life; heed wisdom


Interesting notes:

·        Proverb 24:29 is the reverse of the Golden Rule.





New Year

Next Sunday is the start of the new church year. Kids will move up in Sunday School and folks will start new positions/committees.



Join us on Monday, October 3 at 6:30pm. Please bring a dish and join us for a time of fellowship, food, and Bible questions.


Pastor Appreciation Lunch

We will have a covered dish lunch on Sunday, October 9 as part of Pastor Appreciation Month (note the date change).



Join us on Thursday, October 13 at 6:30pm (note the date change due to the Farm Bureau meeting). Please bring a dish and some 2-liter bottles of soda as you join us for a time of food, fellowship, and Bible.


Free Wood

Anyone wanting to cut fire wood from the pile at the side of the Fellowship Hall, please contact a Building and Grounds member.


Women's Restroom

The woman's restroom and water fountains are being repaired. Please use the ones in the Fellowship Hall.


Fellowship Hall Cleaning

If you can help with cleaning the Fellowship Hall for 1 month, please sign up in the foyer.



Something to Think About:


Sam Jones, a noted preacher, once said, "If a man should come to haul logs with a team made up of a mule, a billy goat, a bumblebee, and a skunk, I would think him crazy; but the average preacher ofttimes has just such a team in his congregation to help him – a stubborn kicker, a 'butter," a stinger, and a stinker." Just thank God if your Church is different.

September 18, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


September 18, 2016



Thanks to everyone who brought food and who stayed to have an extended time of fellowship with the girls and counselors from Camp Duncan!



Bible Reading






Proverbs 8-10

Wisdom's self-praise; Two banquets; Contrasts between the wise and the foolish


Proverbs 11-13

Contrasts between the wise and the foolish; Speech; More Contrasts


Proverbs 14-15

More Contrasts


Proverbs 16-18

The king's powers and responsibilities; Further maxims; Maxims on speech and its potentials; More maxims


Proverbs 19-21

More maxims


Proverbs 22-23

Instructions and joy


Interesting notes:

·        Proverbs 22-23 contain some that appear to be based on "Instruction of Amenemope."





Welcome Camp Duncan Girls!!

Thank you for being with us today!



12pm - Potluck lunch        (all are welcome to stay)

5:30pm - Thrive

6:00pm - Adult Bible Study


Men's Meeting

There will be a brief meeting of the Calvarymen's group after church this morning to discuss the Fish Fry.


Building and Grounds

The B&G will meet on this Friday, September 23 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Supper will be served.


Fish Fry

The Calvarymen is inviting everyone this Saturday, September 24, at 5:30pm, for our annual Fish Fry. The ladies are asked to bring desserts.


Camo Sunday

Next Sunday, September 25, we will have a camo themed service. Please dress in camo. This is also great time to invite anyone who might otherwise feel uncomfortable in church.


Free Wood

Anyone wanting to cut fire wood from the pile at the side of the Fellowship Hall, please contact a Building and Grounds member.


Women's Restroom

The woman's restroom and water fountains are being repaired. Please use the ones in the Fellowship Hall.


October Dates

Mon, Oct 3—WOM Meeting

Sun, Oct 9—Pastor Appreciation Luncheon

Sun, Oct 9—Church Float Workday

Thur, Oct 13—Calvarymen's Meeting


Camp Duncan part of the Baptist

Children's Homes. You can find out more about them, including links to their Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube, and Instagram at



Something to Think About:


Lord, please fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff,
and nudge me when I've said enough.

September 11, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


September 11, 2016



Thanks to the Deacons and Treasurers for their work on the budget, thanks to the deacons and committees for their work on the revisions to the Bylaws and Guidelines, and thanks to Tim and the Nominating Committee for their work on securing the workers for this upcoming year.



Bible Reading






Psalm 131-136



Psalm 137-143



Psalm 144-148



Psalm 149-Proverbs 2

Proverbs: Prologue; Avoid Gangs; Wisdom Chastens; and the Path to Wisdom


Proverbs 3-5

Wisdom of Piety; Praise of Wisdom; Wisdom of Honesty; Love Wisdom and Hate Evil; Two Paths; The Straight Path; Keep to Your Own Wife


Proverbs 6-7

Folly and Evil; Adultery Kills; Beware of the Seductress


Interesting notes:

·        The book of Psalms is divided into 5 "books." The fifth book covers Psalms 107-150. Psalm 150 seems to be the doxology for that "book."

·        Psalm 136 was used as a call and response between the Levites and the people or choir.

·        Psalms 146-150 are the Hallelujah Psalms.

·        Proverbs 5:15 and following, speaking of drinking from your own cistern, speaks about faithfulness in marriage.





Business Meeting

Today, after the morning worship service, we'll have a business meeting to vote on the By-laws and guidelines, nominations, budget, and a confidence vote.  Richard Thomas was accidentally left off the B&G membership list.  Please write in on your copy.


Association Blast and Cast

This Saturday, September 17, is the 2nd annual Blast and Cast from 1-7pm.

Folks of ages are invited to come and compete in the various shooting and fishing events. There will be prizes, food, and entertainment.

Please see the flyer in the foyer for more info.


Youth Trip

This Saturday, September 17, from 10am until 5pm, the youth will be going to Dan Nicholas Park.

We will be providing lunch.

Due to the various prices of activities, we ask that parents send some money for the activities. They may want to also bring sunscreen, towel, and a change of clothes (for the splash pad). Prices and information can be found here:


Fish Fry

The Calvarymen is inviting everyone out on Saturday, September 24, at 5:30pm, for our annual Fish Fry.


Camp Duncan

Next Sunday, September 18, Paul Daley and the girls from Camp Duncan will be here to give a presentation.

Please bring food for a pot luck lunch and plan to stay.


Women's Restroom

Our Building and Grounds committee is replacing the floor in the restroom in the church. The woman's restroom and water fountains aren't functional. Please use the ones in the Fellowship Hall.



Something to Think About:


Some go to church to take a walk,
Some go to church to laugh and talk;
Some go to church to meet a friend,
Some go to church their time to spend;
Some go to church to doze and nod,
The wise go to church to worship God.

September 4, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


September 4, 2016



Thanks to the Building and Grounds for their continuing  work on the Women's restroom!



Bible Reading






Psalm 106-107



Psalm 108-113



Psalm 114-118



Psalm 119:1-88



Psalm 119:89-176



Psalm 120-130



Interesting notes:

·        The book of Psalms is divided into 5 "books." The fourth book covers Psalms 90-106. Psalm 106:48 is the doxology and closing verse to that "book."

·        Psalm 10 is a combination of Psalms 57 and 60.

·        At the Passover, Psalms 113 and 114 were sung before the meal; Psalms 115 and 116 were sung after the meal

·        Psalm 1188-9 are the middle 2 verses of the Bible.

·        Psalms 120-134, the songs of the Ascents, were sung as they went up to Jerusalem for feasts.






Thrive Program is at 5:30pm.

Adult Bible Study is at 6:00pm.



We will meet this Tuesday, September 6 at 6:30pm. Please bring a dish and join us for a time of fellowship, food, and Bible questions.


Business Meeting

We'll have a business meeting next Sunday, September 11 after the morning service to vote on the By-laws and guidelines, nominations, budget, and a confidence vote. Please pick up a copy of these papers (1 per family) today, or view them under the announcements section of our website.


Youth Trip

On Saturday, September 17, from 10am until 5pm, the youth will be going to Dan Nicholas Park. We will provide lunch. Due to the various prices of activities, we would like to ask the parents to send some money with your kids for the activities. They may want to also bring some sunscreen, towel, and a change of clothes (for the splash pad). Prices and information can be found here:

(it is case sensitive).


Camp Duncan

On Sunday, September 18, Paul Daley and the girls from Camp Duncan will be here to give a presentation. We'll have a covered dish lunch for them afterwards. Please plan to stay and be a part of this lunch.


Association Blast and Cast

The 2nd annual Blast and Cast event will be from 1-7pm on Saturday, September 17. Folks of ages are invited to come and compete in the various shooting and fishing events. There will be prizes, food, and entertainment. Please see the flyer in the foyer for more info.


Fish Fry

The Calvarymen's group invites everyone to come out on Saturday, September 24 for our annual Fish Fry.


Our Daily Bread

There are copies of the Our Daily Bread devotional for Sept, Oct, and Nov available in the foyer.



Something to Think About:


A one-legged Christian came to J. Hudson Taylor to offer himself for service in China.

"Why do you, with only one leg, think of going as a missionary?" asked Dr. Taylor.

"I don't see those with two legs going, so I must," was his reply.

He was accepted.