February 28, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


February 28, 2016




Thanks to all the ladies who helped with the Women's Sunday today. Thanks to Mrs. Evelyn Moss for being our speaker. Thanks to Kimmie for taking the photos.

Thanks also for all of the donations for the Robbins Area Christian Ministries.


Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Numbers 3-13) begins with the counting of the Levites and goes through the spies being sent into Canaan.

Chapters 3-4 cover the Levites and their duties in carrying the tabernacle from place to place.

Chapter 6 details the famous Nazarite Vow and gives the "priestly blessing."

Other interesting things:

Notice in 7:12-89 that the giving is in the same order as they marched. Also, there is some repetition here, so no one will blame you if you skim through part of it.

By the time we get to chapter 11, the Israelites are back on the move and complaining.

When you get to chapter 12, think about Mariam and Aaron's complaint. Is it because he is marrying a lady? Or is it about their desire for power? I think God gives them an answer in verses 6-9. Also, think about what's happening here…the entire camp has to stop for 1 week while Mariam is quarantined.




Prophecy Conference

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung will be speaking at 7 Lakes Baptist Church, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, at 6:30pm. He's been with Word of Life, Day of Discovery, and is an international speaker on Revelation and prophecy.



Join us on this Thursday, March 3 at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend.


Concealed Carry Class

For those registered, the class is this Saturday at 9am. Bring 50 rounds for the range. Please see Adam if you have any other questions.


Sun, Mar 6 Meetings


9am—Outreach Comm.

4pm—Youth Committee

7:10pm—Quarterly Business Meeting



Join us on Monday, March 7 at 6:30pm for fellowship, food and Bible discussion. Invite a friend and bring your questions.


Mentor Training

Our next meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 9 at 6pm. Please have chapter 5-10 finished.


All Committees

Please write or revise your committee's guidelines based on current practices (or how things should be) and submit them for Deacon review. It would be nice to vote on these at the March 6th Business Meeting.


Building and Grounds

We'll meet on Saturday, March 12 at 9:00am.



Hypocritical Singing…

Some people sing "Sweet Hour of Prayer" and are content with little or no praying.

February 21, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


February 21, 2016




Thanks to all the adults who came out and chaperoned the Youth Lock-In! Thanks to all who donated snacks! Thanks to Kimmie for taking the photos!


Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Lev. 16- Numbers 2) begins with more laws and goes through the census of the Israelites.

 In Leviticus, I found some of the moral laws in chapter 19 to be neat – and reflective of several of the 10 commandments. For Lev 19:23-24 – the fruit of these trees are usually inedible in the 1st 3 years, which is why this command is given. Lev. 20:10-21 were done by pagan worshippers.

Interesting note: Lev. 25:10 is printed on the Liberty Bell.





Baby Shower

All are invited to a baby shower for Andrew and Megan this Sat, Feb. 27, from 2-4pm.


Women's Sunday (Feb 28)

Our guest speaker will be Evelyn Moss.

Don't forget to bring in canned and non-perishable food and paper products to help the RACM.

Don't forget about bringing table decorations and food for lunch afterwards.


Conference Ladies

After the Women's Sunday meeting today, we'll meet to discuss details of the trip.


All Committees

Please write or revise your committee's guidelines based on current practices (or how things should be) and submit them for Deacon review. It would be nice to vote on these at the March 6th Business Meeting.


Prophecy Conference

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung will be speaking at 7 Lakes Baptist Church, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, at 6:30pm. He's been with Word of Life, Day of Discovery videos, and is an international speaker on Revelation and prophecy.


Business Meeting

On Sun, March 6, at 7:10pm, we'll have our quarterly business meeting.

February 14, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


February 14, 2016




Thanks to the Adult 1 class and to Kimmie for the idea of sending Josephine and May a picture of the Adult 1 class and the whole church.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Exod. 40-Lev. 15) begins with the completion of the tabernacle and ends with the Laws concerning the body. I will agree that the book of Leviticus is sometimes a hard read. It was essentially the handbook for the Levites and priests. If you struggle through it, be encouraged that we are only in Leviticus for 2 weeks.

The book of Exodus ends with the Israelites erecting the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filling it.

As we move into Leviticus, notice that the first 5 chapters deal with offerings for general sin (burnt offering, chap 1), to honor God (grain offering, chap 2), to express gratitude to God (peace/fellowship offering, chap 3), for unintentional sins (sin offering, chap 4), and for sins against God and others (guilt offering, chap 5).

Additionally, Aaron and his sons are consecrated in chapter 8 and two of his sons to rebel in chapter 10. In chapter 11, we see food restrictions. Notice in chapter 13 how the priests were a sort of doctor to the people and how frequently quarantining was ordered.





Youth Lock-in (Feb 19-20)

A lock-in will begin this Friday at 8pm and end Saturday at 8am. This is for all kids ages 10+.

Please eat supper before you arrive. We'll have pizza and snacks later and have breakfast before leaving.

Bring your favorite board games. You may bring a pillow and sleeping bag, but we plan to be up all night.

Parents may pick up their child early. Please let Amber know before you arrive.


Shut-ins / Elderly

Don't forget our elderly and shut-ins (Nellie, Louvene, May, Josephine, Betty, etc.).


All Ladies

We'll meet after preaching on Sunday, February 21 to go over songs for Women's Sunday.


Conference Ladies

We'll meet after the Women's Sunday meeting to discuss details of the trip.


Active Shooter Presentation

Next Sunday, February 21, at 6pm, Lieutenant Tim Cameron will speak about what to do if there is a shooter at Church.

We encourage everyone to attend this presentation.


Mentor Training

We will have our next meeting on Wed, Feb 24, at 6pm. We'll cover chaps 5-8.


Baby Shower

All are invited to a baby shower for Andrew and Megan this Sat, Feb. 27, from 2-4pm.


All Committees

Please write or revise your committee's guidelines based on current practices (or how things should be) and submit them for Deacon review. It would be nice to vote on these at the March 6th Business Meeting.


Women's Sunday (Feb 28)

Our guest speaker will be Evelyn Moss.

Don't forget to bring in canned and non-perishable food and paper products to help the RACM.

Don't forget about bringing table decorations and food for lunch afterwards.





  • Tithing was commenced by Abraham before the Law, continued by Jacob, confirmed by Moses, commanded by Malachi, and commended by Jesus.
  • Tithing is an act of love.
  • Uncle Mose Say…
  • "Dey's some brudders dat say day don't tithe 'cause dey can't figger out how much dey makes. But lawsy me, dey don't fool Uncle Sam dat way. Iffen you don't git tight wit de Lawd, he li'ble to cut yo' income!"

February 7, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


February 7, 2016




Thanks to all the women who stayed after church last Sunday and signed up for positions for Women's Sunday. It looks like every position is filled. Way to go!



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Exod. 27-39) starts with more of the instructions for the tabernacle items and ends with them making the tabernacle items. But there are some interesting things in between.

After the description of the items, we see the anointing service of Aaron and his sons, as well as the daily sacrifices, the burning of the incense, and the collection of the Lord's money.. Notice in chapter 30 that we see where frankincense and myrrh are used. After Moses finishes receiving the Law, we see Aaron promoting the golden calf and then lying about it. God's response – He'll wipe them out. Moses intercedes and the people consume the golden calf ashes. Moses meets with the Lord again and the people renew their dedication to the Lord. A little while later, Moses rounds up the workers and the construction of the tabernacle and the items for it are underway.

A lot to learn in these passages. Don't get hung up on some of the lengthier descriptions. You can continue to stay on top of this reading.






4pm -      Youth Comm Mtg

5:30pm - Thrive for kids &  teens

6pm -      Adult Bible Study


Youth Lock-In

The youth will be having a lock-in on February 19-20. We'll start at 8pm on Friday and end at 8am Saturday.

This is open to all kids ages 10 and older.

Parents may pick up their child early, if they want to (please let Amber know ahead of time).

Although they may bring a pillow and sleeping bag, we plan to be up all night.


Pinto Bean Supper (postponed)


Active Shooter Presentation

On Sunday, February 21, at 6pm, Lieutenant Tim Cameron will be here to give a presentation about what to do if there is a shooter here at Church. We encourage everyone to attend this presentation. 


Women's Sunday

Sunday, February 28 is Women's Sunday.

Our guest speaker will be Evelyn Moss.

Don't forget to bring in canned and non-perishable food and paper products to help the RACM.

Don't forget about bringing table decorations and food for lunch afterwards.



Don't forget to call, visit, and/or write to our elderly and shut-ins. (Nellie, Louvene, May, Josephine, and others)


Sandhills Association

Please let the pastor know if you can volunteer to mow their land 1 month (Mar-Oct).





Uncle Mose say, "You young'uns better not let yo' parents down. Dey bro't you up!"