April 29, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 29, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




1 Samuel 18-19; 1 Chronicles 3; Psalm 59; Acts 13


1 Samuel 20;1 Chronicles 4; Psalm 56, 57, 142; Acts 14


1 Samuel 21-22; 1 Chronicles 5; Psalm 52; Acts 15


1 Samuel 23-24; 1 Chronicles 6; Psalm 54; Acts 16


1 Samuel 25; 1 Chronicles 7; Acts 17


1 Samuel was written by Samuel to the Jews in Palestine.

·       1 Samuel 18:20 – interesting to note that Michal may be the only woman in the Old Testament who is said to have loved a man.

·       1 Samuel 18:27 – David did twice as much as he was asked to – similar to what Jesus taught in Matthew 5:40-41.

·       1 Samuel 22:3 – David had a connection to Moab. Remember, his great-grandmother Ruth was from Moab.

·       1 Samuel 23:14-18 – This may have been the last time David and Jonathan saw each other.


1 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.



Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)

·       Acts 16:10 and 18 – Verse 10 uses "we," indicating that Luke was with them. Verse 18 and following goes back to using "they," indicating that Luke was no longer with them.




Monday, May 7, 7pm – Deacon's Meeting.


Wednesday, May 9, 7pm – Missions Night.


Sunday, May 13 – Mother's Day – we will not have evening services / activities.


Saturday, May 19 – InAsMuch – Our projects will include a Ramp build, Animal Shelter visit, Blood Pressure screenings, Cancer Center care bags, and lunch preparation. Please prayerfully consider where you will serve.


During the month of May, GAs and Acteens are asking for your help to honor/help Foster Moms of Bladen County. Please take a baby bottle and return it with your donation/change, etc. to help us purchase and fill diaper bags for foster moms to receive when they accept a new one into their home.


Sermon Highlights


1 Samuel 18:1-9


According to a 2016 study at MIT, we have about 100 acquaintances, 35 casual friends, 10 close friends, and 5 intimate friends. (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dunbar-layers-friendship-study_us_5728d4c5e4b016f37893ac14)


David and Jonathan's friendship included a common faith, commitment, loyalty, and sacrifice – and so should ours.


A recent report said that we need to spend about 50 hours with someone before they move from being an acquaintance to being a casual friend, 90 hours with them before they become a close friend, and 200 hours with someone before they become that intimate / BFF friend. (https://lifehacker.com/it-takes-90-hours-to-make-a-new-friend-1825145592) (http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0265407518761225)


If we want to be a friend to someone, and have them as a friend in return, then we need to be willing to invest the time – 50, 90, or even 200 hours.


Let's strive to become a better friend for someone through our common faith, our commitment, our loyalty, and our sacrifice.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320


Know Christ;  Grow in Christ;  Go For Christ

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

April 22, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 22, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




1 Samuel 9-10; Acts 8


1 Samuel 11-13; Psalm 38; Acts 9


1 Samuel 14; Psalm 124; Acts 10


1 Samuel 15-16; 1 Chronicles 1; Ps 39; Acts 11


1 Samuel 17; 1 Chronicles 2; Acts 12


1 Samuel was written by Samuel to the Jews in Palestine.

·       1 Samuel 10:25 – the king's regulations are give back in Deuteronomy 17.

·       1 Samuel 12:11 – Jerubbabel is another name for Gideon. Bedan may be another name for either Samson or Barak.

·       1 Samuel 17:4 – according to this, Goliath was just over 9 feet tall. (According to World Records, Robert Wadlow was 8ft. 11.1 in.)


1 Chronicles was written by Ezra to Israel.

·       1 Chronicles 1:5 – The word "sons" refers to descendants.


Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)

·       Acts 9:23 – Paul spent 3 years in the desert (according to Galatians 1:17-18).

·       Acts 13:9 – The first time we see Saul called Paul.




Sunday, April 22, 6:30pm – NC Baptist Foundation presentation on wills and estates.


Monday, May 7, 7pm – Deacon's Meeting.


Wednesday, May 9, 7pm – Missions Night.


Sunday, May 13 – Mother's Day – we will not have evening services / activities.


Saturday, May 19 – InAsMuch – plan to join us as we minister in Jesus' name and tell others about Jesus – lunch will be served.


The final day for the Baptist Children's Home food round-up is April 25. The Association office wants the good in the office by April 26th.

A list of food needed is posted on the bulletin boards. Please bring your donation and place it on the pew in the foyer.


Sermon Highlights


Joshua 22:10-28


Jumping to conclusions can start with a misconception, lead to a confrontation, which requires some to listen to the explanation, and come to a resolution.


Let's listen to that person's side of the story and put ourselves in their shoes.


Let's resolve to not jump to conclusions, to listen to the whole story, and to apologize where we need to.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320


Know Christ;  Grow in Christ;  Go For Christ

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

April 15, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 15, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Ruth 1-2; Acts 3


Ruth 3-4; Psalm 37; Acts 4


1 Samuel 1-2; Psalm 120; Acts 5


1 Samuel 3-5; Psalm 23; Acts 6


1 Samuel 6-8; Acts 7


Ruth was written by Samuel to the Jews in Palestine.

·       Ruth 4:7-8 – These verses serve as an explanation to the custom.


1 Samuel was written by Samuel to the Jews in Palestine.

·       1 Samuel 2:13 – These priests took from the sacrifice before it was offered to the LORD (usually, priests took from the sacrifice after it was offered).

·       1 Samuel 3:1 – According to the historian Josephus, Samuel was about 12 years old.


Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)

·       This high priest may have been Caiaphas, who questioned Jesus.




Monday, April 16 – Deacon's Meeting


Wednesday, April 18, 6:30pm – Covered Dish Meal and Business Meeting.


Sunday, April 22 – NC Baptist Foundation presentation on wills and estates.


We will collect food for the Baptist Children's Home through the month of April. A list of food needed is on the insert that you will find in the bulletin (and attached to this email). Please bring your donation and place it on the pew in the foyer.


Sermon Highlights


Christians should be meeting some physical needs of the unsaved.


Christians should use that as an opportunity to speak about Christ.


Let's be open to doing these things at our upcoming InAsMuch day.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320


Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

April 8, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 8, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Judges 7-8; Luke 22


Judges 9-11; Psalm 17; Luke 23


Judges 12-16; Psalm 146; Luke 24


Judges 17-18; Psalm 21; Acts 1


Judges 19-21; Acts 2


Judges was written by Samuel for the Jews.

·       Judges 16:13 – Interestingly, the Septuagint (LXX) adds "and pin it with a peg to the wall, I shall become as weak as an ordinary man. So Delilah put him to sleep and wove the seven locks of his head into a web."


Luke was written by Luke to Theophilus and Gentiles. (Acts was also written by Luke to Theophilus and Gentiles.)

·       Luke 18:15 – It was customary to bring children to a rabbi for a blessing.

·       Luke 19:43 – This was fulfilled in A.D. 66.


Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus and others. (Luke's Gospel was also written by Luke to Theophilus)




Sun. – Wed., April 8-11 – Revival Services with Rev. David Foster. Rev. Foster is the Director of Missions for our Association. These services will be on Sun. at 11am and 6:30pm, and Mon.-Wed. at 7pm.


Monday, April 16 – Deacon's Meeting


Wednesday, April 18 – Covered Dish Meal and Business Meeting.


Sunday, April 22 – NC Baptist Foundation presentation on wills and estates.


We will collect food for the Baptist Children's Home through the month of April. A list of food needed is on the insert that you will find in the bulletin (and attached to this email). Please bring your donation and place it on the pew in the foyer.


Special Thanks


Thanks to Rev. David Foster for his sermon today and for his work with all the area Southern Baptist churches as the Director of Missions for the Bladen Baptist Association.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320


Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

April 1, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 1, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Joshua 14-17; Luke 17


Joshua 18-21; Psalm 15; Luke 18


Joshua 22-24; Psalm 116; Luke 19


Judges 1-3; Psalm 16; Luke 20


Judges 4-6; Luke 21


Joshua was written by Joshua and was for the Jews / second generation of Israelites.

·       Joshua 15:17 – this was the Othniel who would become Israel's first judge.

·       Joshua 18:1 – Israel's religious center is now moved to Shiloh.


Judges was written by Samuel for the Jews.

·       In the book of Judges – Israel goes through several cycles of sin. They rebel against God and are then turned over to their enemies. They cry out to God and then delivered by a new judge. They are loyal to God until they forget about Him and repeat the cycle of rebellion.

·       Judges 3:12 – Ehud was Israel's left-handed judge.

·       Judges 4:1 – Deborah was the only female judge.


Luke was written by Luke to Theophilus and Gentiles. (Acts was also written by Luke to Theophilus and Gentiles.)

·       Luke 18:15 – It was customary to bring children to a rabbi for a blessing.

·       Luke 19:43 – This was fulfilled in A.D. 66.




Sat., Apr. 7 – Gatekeepers course.


Sun.-Wed., April 8-11 – Revival Services with Rev. David Foster. Rev. Foster is the Director of Missions for our Association. These services will be on Sun. at 11am and 6:30pm, and Mon.-Wed. at 7pm.


Monday, April 16 – Deacon's Meeting


Wednesday, April 18 – Covered Dish Meal and Business Meeting.


Sunday, April 22 – NC Baptist Foundation presentation on wills and estates.


We will take up our Annie Armstrong Offering during the month of March.



Sermon Highlights


5 Proofs of the Resurrection:

1.  The empty tomb / lack of Jesus' body.

2.  Jesus being seen by many after the resurrection.

3.  The transformation of the disciples.

4.  The start of the Christian church.

5.  The day of worship changed to Sunday.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320


Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.