Calvary Reflections
Reflecting on God's Word
Reflecting God to the World
February 7, 2016
Thanks to all the women who stayed after church last Sunday and signed up for positions for Women's Sunday. It looks like every position is filled. Way to go!
Bible Reading
This week's Old Testament reading (Exod. 27-39) starts with more of the instructions for the tabernacle items and ends with them making the tabernacle items. But there are some interesting things in between.
After the description of the items, we see the anointing service of Aaron and his sons, as well as the daily sacrifices, the burning of the incense, and the collection of the Lord's money.. Notice in chapter 30 that we see where frankincense and myrrh are used. After Moses finishes receiving the Law, we see Aaron promoting the golden calf and then lying about it. God's response – He'll wipe them out. Moses intercedes and the people consume the golden calf ashes. Moses meets with the Lord again and the people renew their dedication to the Lord. A little while later, Moses rounds up the workers and the construction of the tabernacle and the items for it are underway.
A lot to learn in these passages. Don't get hung up on some of the lengthier descriptions. You can continue to stay on top of this reading.
4pm - Youth Comm Mtg
5:30pm - Thrive for kids & teens
6pm - Adult Bible Study
Youth Lock-In
The youth will be having a lock-in on February 19-20. We'll start at 8pm on Friday and end at 8am Saturday.
This is open to all kids ages 10 and older.
Parents may pick up their child early, if they want to (please let Amber know ahead of time).
Although they may bring a pillow and sleeping bag, we plan to be up all night.
Pinto Bean Supper (postponed)
Active Shooter Presentation
On Sunday, February 21, at 6pm, Lieutenant Tim Cameron will be here to give a presentation about what to do if there is a shooter here at Church. We encourage everyone to attend this presentation.
Women's Sunday
Sunday, February 28 is Women's Sunday.
Our guest speaker will be Evelyn Moss.
Don't forget to bring in canned and non-perishable food and paper products to help the RACM.
Don't forget about bringing table decorations and food for lunch afterwards.
Don't forget to call, visit, and/or write to our elderly and shut-ins. (Nellie, Louvene, May, Josephine, and others)
Sandhills Association
Please let the pastor know if you can volunteer to mow their land 1 month (Mar-Oct).
Uncle Mose say, "You young'uns better not let yo' parents down. Dey bro't you up!"
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