Calvary Reflections
Reflecting on God's Word
Reflecting God to the World
January 31, 2016
Thanks to all the men who did a fantastic job today. Thanks to Harold's chickens for providing the eggs.
Thanks to all who brought in non-perishable food or paper products for the Robbins Area Christian Ministries. We have the bar set to challenge the women and youth.
Bible Reading
This week's Old Testament reading (Exod. 10-26) finishes the 10 plagues. The Passover is commemorated as a way to celebrate their exodus from Egypt. It covers the crossing of the Red Sea, and the songs of Moses and Mariam celebrating that crossing. Shortly thereafter, they get to a bitter water supply that God makes drinkable, they cry to the Lord and He provides manna, and even gives water from a rock. The 10 commandments are given, other laws are established about slavery, animal control, property, the annual feasts, and so forth. This section closes out with the people bringing various items for the creation of the tabernacle (the portable sanctuary for God).
Interesting notes
1) The Egyptian god Hapti was the god of the Nile, but he couldn't stop the water from turning to blood.
2) The Egyptian goddess Hathor was a cow goddess, but she couldn't prevent the livestock from dying.
3) And the Egyptian god Amon-Re was the sun god, but he couldn't stop the darkness over the land.
4) Also, the Passover was to remember God's deliverance of Israel from Egypt and saved their first-born through the shed blood of the lamb. We just had communion which is to remember God's deliverance from sin and salvation through the shed blood of the Lamb of God.
5) Also, Joshua makes his first appearance in Ex. 17
6) Finally, notice how God provides. In chapter 25, the people donate gold, silver, bronze, clothing, etc. But where did they get it, since they were slaves? Well, remember, God had the Egyptians give them these things back in chapter 12.
Join us tomorrow (Mon, Feb 1) at 6:30pm for food, fellowship, and Bible discussion. Invite a friend and bring your questions.
Mentor Training
For those who signed up to mentor new converts, we will have our first meeting on this Wed, February 3 at 6pm.
Join us on this Thursday, February 4 at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend.
Sun, Feb 7 Meetings
9am—Outreach Committee
4pm—Youth Committee
Concealed Carry Class
The Calvarymen are sponsoring a class on March 5 from 10-5 at the Star Community Center for those 21 and older. The cost is $40. Please signup in the foyer.
Women of Joy Conf.
This will be April 22-24 in Pigeon Forge, TN.
It will feature speakers Angela Thomas, Margaret Feinberg, Patsy Clairmont and Lisa Harper; comedy by Chonda Pierce, and music by Natalie Grant.
For more information, please see Amber, Hilary, or go to:
Pastor Bill
Rev. Dr. William Cooper, Pastor
549 Plank Rd, Carthage, NC (Physical Address)
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