How often have you shared the gospel this year? Is the gospel so striking to you that you cannot keep it to yourself? Have you reached beyond the church world to develop gospel-centered relationships with unbelievers? For what non-believers are you praying as Paul did (Rom. 10:1)? Ask God to increase your burden for lost people (Rom. 9:1-3) throughout the remainder of this year.As Christians, isn't that our Goal? to share Christ with others? to bring them to a saving knowledge of Him? to eventually evangelize every person on the face of the earth? Then why aren't we doing it?!
Though it is easy to think that the pastor will evangelize everyone, or the missionary will, you need to realize that some people don't want to talk to a minister or missionary. They have a wall up when it comes to speaking with someone who is often considered a "professional."
However, as a Christian who is a friend of someone who is lost, oftentimes they will listen to you, watch you, and learn from you.
What is the non-Christian world seeing in you? A Christian who does just what the world does and nothing different? therefore, there's no need for them to be saved?
What is the non-Christian world hearing from you? The same bad language and talk about the same bad movies/TV, etc. as them? The same criticizing speech as them?
What is the non-Christian world learning from you? Are they learning that you believe that there is a God? and that you believe God loves them and wants them as His children?
Although you may have seen the clip a hundred times, I leave you with a clip of Penn Julliett, a staunch atheist who makes the valid point that Christians shouldn't be afraid to witness and if you call yourself a Christian, you should be witnessing.