March 20, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


March 20, 2016




Thanks to all the Youth who helped with our services today! You all did a fantastic job!


Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Deuteronomy 3-20) begins with the defeat of another great king and the division of the land outside the Jordan.

Since the Israelites who are ready to enter the Land are the descendants of those who came out of Egypt, Moses had to repeat the Law to the Israelites. This he does in chapters 4-8.

In chapter 9, he reminds them of all of their parent's rebellion against God.

Chapters 10-15 feature more of the Laws. Chapter 16 seems to focus more on the "why" of the feasts that are reviewed. Justice is required in chapter 17.

In chapters 18-19, we see further explanation on the cities for the Levites and cities of refuge. And we end with chapter 20 about warfare rules.


Interesting thoughts:

·         Where is the 10 Commandments in the Bible? Yes, in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

·         Chapter 6 features the statement that God is one God – monotheism was unique to the Jews.

·         Why do we say grace for our meals? Because of Deut. 8:10 and Luke 9:16

·         In 9:12, God says "your people" instead of "my people" – any reason?

·         In 12:21, could the Jews sacrifice somewhere besides God's set place?

·         Is 19:15-21 for Judges to say or is it for personal vengeance?






Thanks to all of the youth who are taking part in the service today!


Senior Lunch

Join us this Tuesday, March 22, at 11:30am. Let's spread the word and invite the community to join us.


Maundy Thursday Service

We won't have Wednesday night service this week.


Instead, we will have a Thursday night service at 7pm. This service will commemorate Jesus with the disciples in the Upper Room on his last night before the crucifixion.


Just as they had the Last Supper, we will be having communion.


Easter Egg Hunt 

Invite all the kids that you know (those ow your friends, neighbors, enemies) to our egg hunt which will be this Saturday, March 26 from 11am - 2pm.


There'll be food (pizza, chips, soda), stories, games, and, of course, an egg hunt.


Adults, if you took eggs home to fill and forgot to bring them back, please bring them tonight or Thurs.


Easter Services

Next Sunday, March 27, is Easter Sunday! Join us for the following services:

7:00am - Sonrise Service

7:30am - Breakfast

8:30am - Worship Service with Communion




Hypocritical Singing…

Some people sing "Blessed be the Tie That Binds" and let the smallest thing sever their Christian fellowship.

March 13, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


March 13, 2016




Thanks to Charles and Tim for filling in for the pastor this week.


Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Numbers 28-Deuteronomy 2) begins just after Joshua is announced as the new leader. In chapters 28-30, we read about the various offerings to the Lord and laws concerning vows.

Then we see some action in chapter 31. In chapter 32, two and a half tribes don't want to go across the Jordan, so they end up with land outside the Jordan.

Chapters 33-34 describe the journey and the boarders of the Land. Chapter 35 features the cities for the Levites (who didn't get land) and for folks to take refuge (if they are about to be killed, sorta).

Deuteronomy returns us to some more travels and action. King Sihon, in chapter 2, is one of the important kings that Israael had to defeat. r.


Interesting thoughts:

·         In Numbers 29:12-38, the lists of animals, etc. are the same, except the number of bulls decreases by 1 each day.

·         The Midianites in chapter 31 are descendants of Abraham and his 2nd wife, Keturah.

·         Notice the captain's generosity in Numbers 31:52.

·         Why would God destroy the nations of Canaan? To stamp out wickedness, punish their sin, and not leave paganism around.

·         Remember how you read last week that Moses allowed some daughters to have an inheritance? Numbers 36 has more about that.






Thank you to all who helped with the funeral and meal for May Kennedy.


Area Revival Services

Unity Grove is having Revival services tonight thru Friday.


Pastor & Hilary's Vacation

They will return by Saturday. Thanks to Charles and Tim for filling in.


Youth Bowling (Mar 19)

Join us this Saturday from 11am - 4pm for lunch and bowling. Our Youth Sunday speaker, Dylan Joyner, will be with us!


Daily Bread Devotionals

March—May are in the foyer.


Baptism (Mar 20)

We'll have a baptism service on Youth Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as Savior and want to be baptized, please let the pastor know.


Youth Sunday (Mar 20)

Next Sunday the youth will lead the Worship service. Dylan Joiner will be bringing the message. There will be a covered dish lunch. Don't forget about the can food drive.


Senior Lunch (Mar 22)

This will be next Tuesday at 11:30am. Let's spread the word and invite some folks.


Maundy Thursday Service (Mar 25)

Next week, we'll have a Thursday night service w/communion in place of the Wednesday night service.


Easter Egg Hunt (Mar 26)

All kids are invited next Sat from 11am - 2pm. There'll be food (pizza, chips), stories, games, and an egg hunt.


Thanks to those who took a bag of eggs to fill with candy. Please return them next Sunday. Thank you.


Easter Services (Mar 27)

7:00am - Sonrise Service

7:30am - Breakfast

8:30am - Worship Service with Communion


Hypocritical Singing…

Some people sing "There Shall Be Showers of Blessing" and don't come out to church because of the rain. 

March 7, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


March 6, 2016




Thanks to all who cleaned up the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen this week. It looks great and looks all ready for the celebration/memorial meal for May.


Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Numbers 14-27) begins just after the 10 spies told Israel that they wouldn't be able to take the Promised Land. God's reaction – He wants to wipe them out and start over with just Moses. Chapter 15 continues with offerings and what to do about accidental and intentional sins. In Chapter 16, God makes the earth open and swallow some offenders whole. In 17, we have miracles verifying that Aaron was the high priest. Chapter 18 has more duties and tithes for priests and Levites. Chapter 19 goes back into laws for purifications. In chapter 20, we see the sin that prevented Moses from entering the Promised Land and we see Aaron's death. Chapter 21-25 carry the action forward, with some interesting tales along the way, such as the talking donkey. Then in chapter 26 we have another census, take 38 years after the first one and after most of the first generation passed away. Chapter 27 ends with some inheritance laws and the announcement of Joshua as the next leader.


Interesting thoughts:

·         In 14:28 and following, God's punishment was what they said in verse 2 – be careful what you ask for.

·         A man named "On" is listed in 16:1, but not in 16:27 – Did he back out?

·         In chapter 20, what prevented Moses from entering the Promised Land? Just that he hit the rock? Or was there more to it?

·         After you read Num 21:4-9, flip over to John 3:14-16. Should shed some additional light on John's Gospel.

·         Chapter 22 – Was Balaam a fraud or a prophet to the Gentiles?

·         Pay attention to 27:6 and following. Up to this point, only men got an inheritance. This exception to the rule will come back up in Joshua.






Thank you to all of the ladies who made Women's Sunday so great!



Join us tomorrow night (Monday, March 7) at 6:30pm for a wonderful time of food, fellowship, and Bible discussion. Please bring some food, brings your questions, and invite a friend.


Mentor Training

We will meet this Wednesday, March 9 at 6pm. Please have chapters 5-10 finished.


Building and Grounds

We'll meet this Saturday, March 12 at 9:00am.


Pastor's Vacation

Pastor Bill & Hilary will be on vacation from Mar 12-18. Thanks to Charles (Sun AM) and Tim (Wed PM) for filling in.


Youth Bowling

Join us on Saturday, March 19 from 11am-4pm for lunch and bowling. Our Youth Sunday speaker, Dillan Joiner, will also be with us!


Daily Bread Devotionals

The March—May are now available in the foyer.



We'll have a baptism service on Youth Sunday (March 20). If you have accepted Christ as Savior and want to be baptized, please let the pastor know.


Associational Secretary

Sandhills Baptist Association is looking for a part-time secretary, working 6 hours a day, Monday through Thursday.

You must be a member of a local SBC church, have a working knowledge of Microsoft office, QuickBooks, etc.

Please send your resume this week to Sandhills Baptist, PO Box 507, Carthage, N.C. 28327





Hypocritical Singing…

Some people sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and wait to be drafted into His service.