April 24, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 24, 2016




Thanks to our Cemetery Committee and to Rita for their help with the Jerald Mohagen funeral.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (1 Samuel 1-17) covers Samuel's birth and his mother dedicating him through the story of David and Goliath.

In chapters 1-3, we read about Samuel's birth and upbringing in the Temple. Chapters 4-7 deal with the Philistine's defeating the Israelites, stealing the Ark, and returning it. In Chapters 8-10 , we are introduced to Saul, who the people pick to be their king. Chapter 11 reaffirms him as king. Samuel gives his last speech in chapter 12. Chapters 13-15 cover some of Saul's battles and the reason he would be rejected as king. Chapter 16 covers David's selection as the next king. Chapter 17 is the classic story of David and Goliath.



Interesting thoughts:

·         In chapter 2, the sons of Eli were taking their share before offering it to the Lord. God is to get the first share!

·         Chapter 3 reminds us to listen for the voice of the Lord, and be ready to obey it. Samuel was probably 12 at this time.

·         Chapter 4 – where did these Philistines come from? They were descendants of Noah's son Ham.

·         Chapter 5 includes how the false idols made of stone even worshipped God – it's a neat account.

·         The Philistines thought they were cursed with hemorrhoids or tumors. They thought rats caused them, which is why we read about rats or mice here.

·         Chapter 10 – God really didn't want them to ever have a king. However, knowing what was to come, God already established regulations for a king in Deuteronomy 17.

·         Chapter 15 – what is that bleating of the sheep I hear? Truly it is better to obey than to sacrifice (to the Lord for forgiveness of our sins).

·         Notice the rest of the story of David and Goliath – David cuts off his head.






We will have our last meeting this Wed. at 6pm.


Next Sunday (May 1) Meetings


9:00a—Outreach Comm.

10:00a—Sunday School

11:00a—Worship Service

12:00p—B&G Lunch / Mtg

4:30p—Youth Comm.


6:00p—Bible Study


Wednesday Night

We'll continue to brainstorm how we can pray more effectively at church.

Also, don't forget to invite others to the prayer room.


Association Senior Banquet

This banquet will be on Monday, May 2 at 6pm at the First Baptist Church of Robbins. There will be no cost to attend. 

This morning is the last time to sign up for this event. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board.



Please note that the next meeting will be on Tues, May 3 at 6:30pm due to the Banquet.

Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal! We will also reveal our Secret Sisters.



All men are invited out again to our meeting on Thurs, May 5 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and be a part of this spiritual renewal!


Missions Offering

On Mother's Day, May 8, in addition to honoring mothers, we will be collecting the Annie Armstrong offering. Every penny of this offering goes to support our North American missionaries. Please pray about what you will give.





God's Prescription…

If you are getting weak-kneed, take a good look at Elijah.

If there is no song in your heart, listen to David.

April 17, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 17, 2016




Thanks to all who came to the Dinner and a Movie last night.

Thanks to all the youth who assisted with the Dinner and a Movie!



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Judges 9-21 and Ruth 1-4) continues with Gideon's son trying to become king. Chapters 10-16 carries forward the history of the Jews with the judges named Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson.

In chapters 17-18 we see Micah's idolatry and how it led to the entire Tribe of Dan having to relocate.

In chapter 19-21, se see the crime of Gibeah and its consequences.

Then there's the book of Ruth. Such a love story. It starts with Ruth's devotion to her mother-in-law in chapter 1. In chapter 2, Boaz takes a liking to her and provides for her needs. In chapter 3 Boaz says that he will redeem her. In chapter 4 he does, only after the nearer kin had a chance and refused. And yes, Ruth becomes the great-grandmother of King David.



Interesting thoughts:

·         In chapter 9, Abimelech does all he can to not be remembered as one who was killed by a women (since that was a disgrace). So, he is remembered as the one killed by a woman.

·         In chapter 10, God says that he wasn't going to help them anymore. What brought God back to their aide? How does that apply to us today?

·         Notice in chapter 11 that Jephthah had a bad upbringing, joined some ruffians, and then was used by God to lead Israel. God can use you today no matter your upbringing, your past, etc.

·         Yes, Samson had a problem with women, and yes, God allowed him to commit suicide.

·         Notice the interesting way God provided husbands for the women in chapter 21.

·         In the first part of Ruth 2 we see the best solution for a lot of the poverty issues.






Continue to pray for the Lord to work in your life.

For those doing the 30 days of prayer devo, let's start on Monday (tomorrow).

A few books are left, or get the PDF at prayfor30days.org (and I have attached it to this email).



Kids, join us at 5:30 for Thrive!

Adults, join us at 6 for a Bible Study on Angels and Demons.


Thrive Volunteers

Please let Adam know that you can help teach Thrive once every other month.


Summer Camp

From July 18-22, those who have completed 3rd-12th grades will be going to Mundo Vista (girls) or Camp Caraway (boys).

Please return a Camp form and $20 per child Today.



We will have our last 2 meetings this Wed and next Wed (April 20 and 27) at 6pm.

Please finish the books.

We will soon be pairing up with new converts.


Women of Joy Conference

Clara, Hilary, Kimmie, Ellen, Tricia, Helen, Amber, Tannah, and Sue Ellen will be attending this event from Fri, April 22 - Sun, April 24. Please pray for them during this conference.



Fun Day / Yardsale

This will be on Sat, May 21. Please start collecting items for prizes and the yard sale.



Please review your recipes for corrections or additions. Tricia will be compiling a list of those corrections to place in the front of the cookbooks. Please write those up with name of recipe and page number.


Boys and Girls Homes

In addition to our second offering today, you can give them the items listed on the bulletin board.


Safety PSA

Please lock your cars when you are at the church.




God's Prescription…

If you are impatient, sit down quietly and talk with Job.

If you are a little strong headed, go and see Moses.

April 10, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 10, 2016




Thanks to all who brought food today for the Revival Service.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Joshua 19-Judges 8) begins with some more land allotments and Joshua's allotment in chapters 19. Chapters 20 and 21 give the cities of refuge (for those who accidentally kill someone) and the Levites. Chapter 22 sees the Eastern tribes returning across the Jordan and setting up a memorial. Chapter 23-24 gives Joshua's last words, charge, and death.

Judges opens with a summary of the past and a summary of the cycles we'll see in Judges. Chapter 3-5 gives the accounts of the first couple of judges. Then chapters 6-8 covers Gideon as the judge.


Interesting thoughts:

·         Note in chapter 22 that the 9 and 1/2 tribes jump to a conclusion about the 2 1/2 tribes. Let's learn from that mistake.

·         Note in Judges 1 that they didn't completely drive out the Canaanites.

·         In Judges 2 we see the cycle that the Israelites will go through under various judges. The cycle is that they 1)Rebel against God, 2)God delivers them enemies, 3)They cry out to God, 4)God sends a judge/deliverer, 5)Loyalty to God, 6)Repeat

·         Pay attention to Judges 3:12-30 – neat stuff in there about a lefty!

·         Don't miss Shamgar, who gets little note in 3:31 even though he was a judge/deliverer of Israel.

·         Deborah stands out as the only female judge.

·         Something to think about: Does Barak's insistence of Deborah going with him show his fear or show that he wants a religious leader with him?

·         Gideon – is he a great leader, or a fearful leader?

o   Think about all of the times that he seemed fearful

o   Thank about all that God does through him





This Week—Revival!

Sun, 12pm - Covered Dish

Sun, 6pm - Revival Service

Mon-Wed, 7pm - Revival Services

Pray for our speaker, Rev. Chris Schofield, who is the director of the Office of Prayer for Evangelization and Spiritual Awakening for the NC State Convention.

Pray about how the Lord will work in your life through these services.


Thrive Volunteers

Please let Adam know that you can help teach Thrive once every other month.


Dinner and a Movie

Everyone is invited out this Saturday, April 16, at 5pm.

The Supper will be salad, spaghetti, and dessert. The movie is War Room.

Please let Amber know if you would like to provide a dessert or drink.

The kids/youth need to be arrive 3:30-4:00pm to help.



We'll have our last two meetings in two weeks, on Wed, April 20 and Wed, April 27 at 6pm. Please finish the books. We will soon be pairing up with new converts.



Please review your recipes for corrections or additions. Tricia Mabe will be compiling a list of those corrections to place in the front of the cookbooks. Please write those up with name of recipe and page number.


Summer Camp

July 18-22, those who have completed 3rd-12th grades will be going to Mondo Vista (girls) or Camp Caraway (boys).

We are asking for parents to return a Summer Camp form and $20 per child by next Sunday (April 17).

Please see Amber if this deadline is an issue. 



Something's Wrong…

State laws say that the Bible could not be read in its schools,
but the same states pass a law that the Bible could be placed in the cell of every criminal.

April 3, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


April 3, 2016




Thanks to the men of the church for cooking and serving Easter breakfast.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Joshua 4-18) begins with some memorials erected in celebration of what God did for the Israelites.

In chapter 6 we see the destruction of Jericho. In 7 we see their defeat at Ai, all because of 1 family. In 8, they defeat Ai, and in 9 they make a poor peace treaty. Chapter 10-12 continue the action of the Israelites wiping out the land, and 14-18 covers the dividing of the land. (If you have a Bible map, you might want to use it as you look through these last couple of chapters).


Interesting thoughts:

·         In Joshua chapter 4, did Joshua have 2 memorials set up? If so, what was the purpose of the one in the water? When would it have been seen?

·         Who is this person in 5:13-15? Is it Jesus? Michael the Archangel? Another angel? A messenger from God?

·         In chapter 10, the book of Jasher is an early account of Isreal's history.

·         We see 3 summaries in this section, at 10:40, 11:16, and 12:7

·         Chapter 14, verse 15, remember that the Anakim were giants.

·         Chapter 16 – remember that Joseph got a double portion of the inheritance since he was the oldest son. His went to his 2 sons.





Women's Meeting

All women are encouraged to come out for a special time of food, fellowship, and Bible. Join us tomorrow, (Monday, April 4) at 6:30pm.


Men's Meeting

All men are encouraged to come out for a special time of food, fellowship, & Bible. Join us this Thursday, April 7 at 6:30pm. This month's topic: wills and trusts.


Church Trip

The National Christian Choir (a 100+ member choir) will be in Cary on Sat., April 9, performing hymns & songs.

We'll leave at 4:30pm and return about 9pm. The concert is free.     

Please let Hilary know if you are interested in going.

Their website is: nationalchristianchoir.org 


Outreach Committee

Will meet at Jim and Clara's on April 9 at 4pm.


Dinner and a Movie

Everyone is invited out on Saturday, April 16, at 5pm. The youth will be serving the church a dinner and after dinner, they will be showing the movie War Room.


Revival Services

These services will be April 10-13 w/ Rev. Chris Schofield


He'll be speaking on Sunday at 11am and 6pm. We will have a covered dish lunch. Then he'll be speaking on Monday-Wednesday at 7pm.


Chris works for the North Carolina State Convention. He is the director of the Office of Prayer for Evangelization and Spiritual Awakening.


For more information on Rev. Chris Schofield, please go to http://ow.ly/ZIYHz


Be in prayer about how God will work in your heart through these services.




Hypocritical Singing…

Some people sing, "I Love to Tell the Story" but never mention it all year.