June 26, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


June 26, 2016




Thank you to the WOM for their recognition of the Fathers last Sunday!



Bible Reading






2 Chronicles 1-4

Solomon received wisdom, prepares for the building of the Temple, builds it, and the items for it.


2 Chronicles 5-7

Solomon brings in the Ark of the Covenant and prays a prayer of dedication for the Temple.


2 Chronicles 8-11

More of Solomon's achievements and downfall of showing his wealth off to the queen of Sheba, his death, and Rehoboam's reign begins.


2 Chronicles 12-16

More kings rule Judah, such as Abijah and Asa, who reforms Israel for a time, bringing them back to true worship.


2 Chronicles 17-19

Next we move into Jehoshaphat's reign, another godly king, who brought some more reforms to Judah.


2 Chronicles 20-23

After Jehoshaphat came Jehoram and Ahaziah to the throne, both were wicked kings. Eventually, Joash will come to the throne, who will be yet another godly king.


Interesting notes:

·         By now, you're wondering why we are reading about some of the same people and events that we read about in 1&2 Kings. 1&2 Kings seems to focus more on just the kings of Judah and Judah's perspective.

·         In passages such as 2 Chronicles 7:20, the KJV reads, "proverb." That is an object of ridicule.

·         In chapter 10, we see the kingdom begin to divide, into the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Judah).

·         Although Abijah was a wicked king, chapter 13 highlights some of the good things he did.






Join us for a Trivia Night.


Men's and WOM Meetings

These groups will not have their meetings in July.      The men's fishing trip is July 15-16.



Today is the deadline. Please return the forms to Tricia today.


Get Involved

We would love for everyone (teens and adults) to be involved in our church. Please tell the Nominating Committee where you'd like to serve.  (Tim, Bob, Anne C, Ann H, or Helen).


Women's Restroom

The church restroom floor is being repaired. Please be careful while using the facilities. 


VBS Items Needed

We will need the following items by Sunday, July 17. Please use the tear off sheets in the foyer. (You can place your items on the table in the Fellowship Hall).

o   Cans of spray foam

o   Foam coolers

o   2-liter bottles

o   Milk jugs (rinsed first)

o   Boxes of Corn starch

o   Pool noodles (from the dollar store)

o   Rectangular plastic table clothes (black, brown, grey)


We will also need volunteers, especially crew leaders (which is the easiest job!)


Vacation Bible School

August 8th - 13th

Gear up for an underground adventure that grounds kids in the rock-solid foundation of God's love, a love that takes us through life's dark times.


We will also have an awesome program for teens.


This year's theme is : "Cave Quest:  Following Jesus,  the Light of the World"


5:30-6:30pm- Supper

6:30-8:30pm- VBS!


Please pray for VBS and that kids will be impacted for Christ through it.


Pray about where God can use you in our VBS this year. 




Just Remember:

When Gideon, with his 300 men,
armed only with pitchers, took the Midianite hosts,
he was a ridiculous minority
but he won (with God)!



Questions About The Newsletter


What do you find beneficial about the Newsletter?

What do you dislike about the Newsletter?

What would you like to see in the Newsletter that isn't already in it?

June 19, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


June 12, 2016




Thank you to everyone who helped with our Homecoming Sunday last week, as well as those who helped with setting up and resetting the church.



Bible Reading






1 Chronicles 13-15

The Ark is brought back to Jerusalem, but it only gets as far as Kirjath Jearim – read and find out why! David is established as king in Jerusalem, and finished moving the Ark to Jerusalem.


1 Chronicles 16-18

David sings a song of Thanksgiving as the Ark is placed in the Tabernacle. God established His covenant with David and David is successful in wars.


1 Chronicles 19-22

David is successful against Ammonites, Syrians, and Rabbah. But David should not have taken the census – read and find out why! David also decides to build God a house.


1 Chronicles 23-24

Here are the divisions of the Levites, priests, and others.


1 Chronicles 25-26

Here are the divisions of the musicians and gatekeepers.


1 Chronicles 27-29

Here are the military divisions and other leaders. Instead of David building God's house, Solomon will and it will be paid for by offerings. Solomon is also anointed as king.


Interesting notes:

·         1 Chron. 13 – notice how it goes from bad to worse: They transported the Ark wrong; as a result, it started to fall; as a result, Uzza touched it and died.

·         David's Song of Thanksgiving in chapter 16 is also preserved as parts of Psalms 105, 96, and 106.

·         In chapter 24, each of the 24 groups of Levites worked 2 week shifts.

·         In chapter 25, we find 24 groups of Musicians to match the 24 groups of Levites




Happy Father's Day!


Thank you to everyone who helped with Homecoming Sunday!



Our services are canceled. Please spend today honoring your fathers. 


Calvarymen and WOM Meetings

These two groups will not have their meetings in July.

Calvarymen—Don't forget the fishing trip that is planned for July 15-16.



Our church cookbooks are available for $15 each (or 2 for $25). Please see Patricia for a page with corrections.



The Deadline for these forms is next Sunday, June 26.


June 5th Minutes

The business meeting minutes from June 5 are in the foyer.


 Vacation Bible School

August 8th - 13th

Gear up for an underground adventure that grounds kids in the rock-solid foundation of God's love, a love that takes us through life's dark times.

(There'll also be an awesome program for our teens).

This year's theme is :

"Cave Quest:
Following Jesus,
the Light of the World"

5:30-6:30pm- Supper

6:30-8:45pm- VBS!

Please pray for VBS and that kids will be impacted for Christ through it.

Also, pray about where God can use you in our VBS this year.






Just Remember:

When David, ridiculed by his brothers,
went out to meet Goliath,
he was a decided minority in size
but he won (with God)!

June 12, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


June 12, 2016




Thank you to all who helped with the funeral for Sharon on Thursday. Many of you brought food and showered the family with love in other ways. Some of you did behind the scenes things, like setting up the fellowship hall, assisting with parking, and more. We thank you all!


Thanks also to all who helped with our Homecoming Sunday today. Thanks to all who brought food, helped serve, helped clean up, and also to those who gave up their seats to guests. Thank you all!



Bible Reading






1 Chronicles 2-3

The genealogies continue with the 12 Tribes of Israel. They continue through David.
(Don't stop reading if the genealogies feel uninteresting, keep going, even if you need to skim over the names)


1 Chronicles 4-5

The genealogies of some more of the 12 tribes of Israel


1 Chronicles 6

The genealogies of some more of the 12 tribes of Israel


1 Chronicles 7-8

The genealogies of some more of the 12 tribes of Israel and the family of King Saul.


1 Chronicles 9-10

The families and duties of the Levites amd King Saul's descendants (here is where the narrative starts to pick up)


1 Chronicles 11-12

David is made king and amasses an army.


Interesting notes:

·         1 Chron. 2:18 – this is not Caleb the spy.

·         1 Chron. 11:19 – Why didn't David drink it? He wanted to pour it out as an offering to the Lord.

·         1 Chron. 12:26 – Levites were exempt from joining the army, but some joined in support of David and his men.





Thank you to all who helped with Sharon's funeral!


Flowers / Memorials

Flowers are placed in
memory of Karen Chalflinch and Sharon Oakes by Tricia, Ellen, and Helen. Other
flowers are also in memory of Sharon Oakes.



Everyone is invited to stay for a time of food and fellowship after church (even if you did not bring food).


Father's Day

Fathers will be recognized next Sunday and we will not have any evening services that night. Please spend that time honoring your fathers. 




Our church cookbooks are available for $15 each (or 2 for $25). Please see Patricia for a page with corrections.



Forms are in the office for any high school graduate who is an active member of Calvary and will be attending college. The Deadline for these forms is Sunday, June 26.


June 5th Minutes

The business meeting minutes from last Sunday (June 5) are in the foyer.



Vacation Bible School

August 8rd - 13th

Gear up for an underground adventure that grounds kids in the rock-solid foundation of God's love, a love that takes us through life's dark times. (There'll also be an awesome program for our teens).


This year's theme is :

"Cave Quest:
Following Jesus,
the Light of the World"


5:30-6:30p- Supper

6:30-8:45p- Cave Quest VBS!


Please pray for VBS and that kids will be impacted for Christ through it. Also, pray about where God can use you in our VBS this year.







Just Remember:

When Elijah prayed down fire from heaven,
and put to shame the prophets of Baal
he was a notable minority,
but he won (with God)!

June 5, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


June 5, 2016




Thank you to all who helped yesterday (and perhaps other days) for our workday to spruce up the church for Homecoming Sunday!



Bible Reading






2 Kings 11-13

The reigns of Athaliah, Johoash, and Jehoahaz


2 Kings 14-16

The reigns of Amaziah, Jeroboam II, Azariah, Zechariah (not the prophet), and many more.


2 Kings 17-18

Hoshea's reign and the Northern Kingdom taken captive by the Assyrians (they will never come back). Also the Southern Kingdom's problems with Sennacharib.


2 Kings 19-21

Confrontation between Sennecharib, Isaiah, and Hezekiah. Also Manasseh and Amon's evil reigns


2 Kings 22-24

Joash's godly reign, restoring religious worship, amd his successors


2 Kings 25- 1 Chron 1

The Southern Kingdom is taken captive by Babylonians. 1 Chronicles details the geneology from Adam to Abraham


Interesting notes:

·         In 2 Kings 11:21, Jehoash's mom and the high priest probably ruled in his stead due to his age.

·         The reason for 2 Kings 12:19-21 is found in 2 Chronicles 24.

·         Many of the prophets began writing during Jeroboam II's reign (2 Kings 14:23ff). These include Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah, and Isaiah.

·         2 Kings 17:16 – they worshipped the sun, moon, and stars.





Thank you to everyone who helped with the Cleanup for Homecoming Sunday!



Join us at 5:30pm for Thrive and at 6pm for our Adult Bible Study (Jesus being 100% God & man). Please stay for our Business Meeting at 7:10pm.


Business Meeting

Tonight we'll have a Quarterly Business Meeting to vote on changes to the Bylaws and guidelines.

We encourage all committees to give an update. (If possible, please give a copy to Tricia).



Please write up any changes to the recipes and get them to Patricia today! 



All women are invited out tomorrow, Monday, June 6 at 6:30pm. Please bring food and Bible questions.


Nominating Committee

We'll meet after the service on Wednesday, June 8.



Scholarship forms are available in the office for any high school graduate who is an active member of Calvary and will be attending a 2 or 4 year college.


Church Office

Please refrain from entering the office when the door is closed between Sunday School and Church.




Homecoming Sunday is on Sunday, June 12.

 We'll have our Sunday School opening at 10am followed by a time of fellowship. We'll have our worship service at 11am followed by a potluck lunch.

 Please let Rita or Betty know if you want to put any flowers in the church.

 Please remove all old flowers from graves before June 12.



Please be in prayer for this year's Vacation Bible School, Cave Quest, August 8-13.  We need lots of volunteers to serve in this great outreach opportunity.






Just Remember:

When Joseph was sold to Egypt by his brothers,
he was a decided minority,
but he won (with God)!