January 28, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 28, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Exodus 1-3; Galatians 5


Exodus 4-6; Galatians 6


Exodus 7-9; Psalm 105; Ephesians 1


Exodus 10-12; Ephesians 2


Exodus 13-15; Psalm 114; Ephesians 3


Exodus was written by Moses and was for the Jews.

·       Exodus 7-12 – Israel experiences the first 3 plagues, but not the 4th through the 9th. Some of these plagues were against Egypt's gods as well.


Ephesians was written by Paul to the Ephesian church while he was in prison.

·       Ephesians 3:21 – This is a doxology which ends the first half of the book.





Fri., Feb. 9, 7pm – Valentine Banquet


Wed., Feb. 14, 7pm – Missions Night


Thur., Feb. 15 – Brotherhood / WMU / Disaster Relief Meeting in Clinton. Meal at 6pm and the program from 6:50-8:30pm


Mon., Feb. 19, 7pm – Deacon's Meeting


Wed., Feb. 21, 6:30pm – Church Meal (Italian) and Bible Study


Sun., Feb. 25 – Baptist Women's Day


The church's webpage is: https://sandygrovebaptist.weebly.com and it includes the calendar.


Altar flowers are in memory of Renee Smith Priest given by her parents Wanda & James Smith.



Highlights from the Sermon


Thank you to all the men who participated in some way today. Thank you to the men who spoke.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320


Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

January 21, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 21, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Genesis 41-42; Mark 16


Genesis 43-44; Psalm 24; Galatians 1


Genesis 45-46; Psalm 108; Galatians 2


Genesis 47-48; Psalm 25; Galatians 3


Genesis 49-50; Galatians 4


Genesis was written by Moses and was for the Jews.

·       Genesis 46 – As you skim through this list of names, see if you recognize any.

·       Genesis 48:20 – Interesting… Isaac (younger) was selected over Ishmael (older); Jacob (younger) was selected over Esau (older); Joseph (younger) was selected over Reuben (older); now Ephraim (younger) is selected over Manasseh (older).

Mark was written by Mark (a disciple, but not 1 of the 12) and written to Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians.

·       Mark 16:1-20 – All 20 verses are verified in ancient manuscripts. Some modern translations bracket verses 9-20 off or put them in the footnotes since they are missing in some ancient manuscripts.

Galatians was written by Paul (a Jew, who was later appointed as an Apostle) to the Galatian church.

·       Galatians 1:18-24 – These verses fit in Paul's story between his salvation and his missionary journeys.

·       Galatians 3:11 – Paul quotes, "the just shall live by faith" here, in Romans 1:17, and in Hebrews 10:38.




Sun., Jan. 28 – Baptist Men's Day. 8am Breakfast; 9am Sunday School; 10am Worship.


Fri., Feb. 9, 7pm – Valentine Banquet


Wed., Feb. 14, 7pm – Missions Night


Thur., Feb. 15 – Brotherhood / WMU / Disaster Relief Meeting in Clinton. Meal at 6pm and the program from 6:50-8:30pm


Mon., Feb. 19, 7pm – Deacon's Meeting


Wed., Feb. 21, 6:30pm – Church Meal (Italian) and Bible Study


Sun., Feb. 25 – Baptist Women's Day


Highlights from the Sermon

Don't leave behind our aspirations, obligations, communications, and reputation, like Jonah did.


Don't wait for the Lord to send a storm of some sort to get your attention.


Let's stop our Jonah detour before it's too late.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

January 14, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections Email


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 14, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Genesis 28-29; Mark 11


Genesis 30-31; Psalm 11; Mark 12


Genesis 32-34; Psalm 145; Mark 13


Genesis 35-37; Psalm 12; Mark 14


Genesis 38-40; Mark 15


Genesis was written by Moses and was for the Jews.

·       Genesis 37:12 – Joseph was sold into slavery when he was about 17 years old.

·       Genesis 40:1 – joseph is now about 28 years old.


Mark was written by Mark (a disciple, but not 1 of the 12) and written to Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians.

·       Mark 11:15 – This is the second time he cleared the temple due to selling wares (1st time is in John 2).

·       Mark 14:13 – Luke's gospel identifies these 2 disciples as Peter and John.

·       Mark 14:26 – The hymn they sung was Psalms 115-118.





Mon., Jan. 15 at 7pm – Deacon's Meeting.


Wed., Jan. 17 at 6:30pm – Covered Dish Meal, Bible Study, and Business Meeting. We'll enjoy food, fellowship, and a study of the Beatitudes found in Mathew chapter 5.


Sun., Jan. 28 – Baptist Men's Day. 8am Breakfast; 9am Sunday School; 10am Worship.


Highlights from the Sermon

As individuals and as a church, let's Know Christ, Grow in Christ, and Go for Christ.


·       Know Christ – Accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and help others to do so.

·       Grow in Christ – Grow in our faith and in our knowledge of Jesus Christ.

·       Go for Christ – Be Jesus' hands and feet to the world. Showing His love and helping others.


Let's incorporate these into our events and activities as we carry out the purpose of Christ's church.



Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

January 7, 2018

Sandy Grove Reflections Email


Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 7, 2018



Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:




Genesis 16-18; Mark 6


Genesis 19-20; Psalm 1; Mark 7


Genesis 21-23; Psalm 107; Mark 8


Genesis 24-25; Psalm 4; Mark 9


Genesis 26-27; Mark 10


Genesis was written by Moses and was for the Jews.

·       Genesis 23:1 – Isaac was 36 when he lost his mother.

·       Genesis 27:1 – Isaac was about 100 years old.


Mark was written by Mark (a disciple, but not 1 of the 12) and written to Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians.

·       Mark 6:17 – This starts a flashback about John the Baptist.

·       Mark 10:19 – "Do not defraud" is a coorelary to not stealing and not lying.





Wed., Jan. 10 at 7pm – Missions Night. Please join us as we visit some of our shut-ins, such as Charles Adams, Carrie Mae, and maybe others.


Sun., Jan. 14 at 7:30pm – Church Council. We would like the chair or a representative from all committees and groups to be there as we discuss events and plans for 2018.


Mon., Jan. 15 at 7pm – Deacon's Meeting.


Wed., Jan. 17 at 6:30pm – Covered Dish Meal, Bible Study, and Business Meeting. We'll enjoy food, fellowship, and a study of the Beatitudes found in Mathew chapter 5.


Sun., Jan. 28 – Baptist Men's Day. 8am Breakfast; 9am Sunday School; 10am Worship.



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Sandy Grove Baptist Church
8299 NC 242 HWY S

Bladenboro, NC 28320

Copyright © 2017, All rights reserved.