February 25, 2021

Sandy Grove Reflections



Bladenboro, North Carolina


Please use the link on our website to watch a Sunday School video:    sandygrovebaptist.weebly.com


The 2021 Bible Reading Sheet is available in the foyer and is attached to this email.


The Bible Readings for March 1-5 are:

Mon - The Lord is My Shepherd – Psalm 23:1-6

Tue - Have Mercy on Me – Psalm 51:1-19

Wed - Praise the Lord – Psalm 103:1-22

Thu - Godly Wisdom – Proverbs 1:1-4:27

Fri - The Proverbs of Solomon – Proverbs 16:1-18:24


Our services this week are:

·       Sunday Worship – 11 am (sanctuary) – We Must Witness


·       Sunday Bible Study – 6:30 pm (old fellowship hall) –Our New Destiny in Christ



Our services will be live on Facebook and later posted to YouTube.







We are cleaning and taking precautions in light of COVID-19. Here are some guidelines:


1.         Please use the restroom before arriving

2.         Stand and sit 6 feet apart (note the painter's tape)

3.         Please do not leave until the service ends; we will dismiss by rows

4.         Your temperature will be taken

5.         If you pick up any literature or anything, do not put it back down

6.         Use hand sanitizer

7.         Wear a face-covering – we have some if you need one


I know that is a lot; we're trying to be cautious. Of course, if you are sick or not sure about attending please stay home and watch the services online.


Thank you for your help with this.


Praying for you.

February 18, 2021

Sandy Grove Reflections



Bladenboro, North Carolina


Please use the link on our website to watch a Sunday School video:    sandygrovebaptist.weebly.com


The 2021 Bible Reading Sheet is available in the foyer and is attached to this email.


The Bible Readings for February 22-26 are:

·       Mon - David and Bathsheba – 2 Samuel 11:1-12:25

·       Tue - King Solomon – 1 Kings 2:1-3:28

·       Wed - Solomon's Temple – 1 Kings 8:1-9:9

·       Thu - Elijah and the Prophets of Baal – 1 Kings 16:29-19:18

·       Fri - The Fall of Jerusalem – 2 Kings 25:1-30



Our services this week are:

·       Sunday Worship – 11 am (sanctuary) – Being Vessels in the Potter's Hands


·       Sunday Bible Study – 6:30 pm (old fellowship hall) –Being Made Righteous in Christ


·       Wednesday Bible Study –we'll look in depth at our weekly reading



Our services will be live on Facebook and later posted to YouTube.







We are cleaning and taking precautions in light of COVID-19. Here are some guidelines:


1.         Please use the restroom before arriving

2.         Stand and sit 6 feet apart (note the painter's tape)

3.         Please do not leave until the service ends; we will dismiss by rows

4.         Your temperature will be taken

5.         If you pick up any literature or anything, do not put it back down

6.         Use hand sanitizer

7.         Wear a face-covering – we have some if you need one


I know that is a lot; we're trying to be cautious. Of course, if you are sick or not sure about attending please stay home and watch the services online.


Thank you for your help with this.


Praying for you.

February 11, 2021

Sandy Grove Reflections



Bladenboro, North Carolina


Please use the link on our website to watch a Sunday School video:    sandygrovebaptist.weebly.com


The 2021 Bible Reading Sheet is available in the foyer and is attached to this email.


The Bible Readings for February 15-19 are:

·       Mon - Samuel Listens to God – 1 Samuel 1:1-3:21

·       Tue - King Saul – 1 Samuel 8:1-10:27

·       Wed - David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 16:1-18:16

·       Thu - David and Saul – 1 Samuel 23:7-24:22

·       Fri - King David – 2 Samuel 5:1-7:29



Our services this week are:

·       Sunday Worship – 11 am (sanctuary) – 4 People We Must Love


·       Sunday Bible Study – 6:30 pm (old fellowship hall) –Being Reconciled to God


·       Wednesday Bible Study –we'll look in depth at our weekly reading



Our services will be live on Facebook and later posted to YouTube.







We are cleaning and taking precautions in light of COVID-19. Here are some guidelines:


1.         Please use the restroom before arriving

2.         Stand and sit 6 feet apart (note the painter's tape)

3.         Please do not leave until the service ends; we will dismiss by rows

4.         Your temperature will be taken

5.         If you pick up any literature or anything, do not put it back down

6.         Use hand sanitizer

7.         Wear a face-covering – we have some if you need one


I know that is a lot; we're trying to be cautious. Of course, if you are sick or not sure about attending please stay home and watch the services online.


Thank you for your help with this.


Praying for you.

February 4, 2021

Sandy Grove Reflections



Bladenboro, North Carolina


Please use the link on our website to watch a Sunday School video:    sandygrovebaptist.weebly.com


The 2021 Bible Reading Sheet is available in the foyer and is attached to this email.


The Bible Readings for February 8-12 are:

·       Mon - Israel's Disobedience – Judges 2:6-3:6

·       Tues - Deborah Leads Israel – Judges 4:1- 5:31

·       Wed - Gideon Defeats the Midianites – Judges 6:1-7:25

·       Thur - Samson Defeats the Philistines – Judges 13:1-16:31

·       Fri - The Story of Ruth – Ruth 1:1-4:22


Our services this week are:

·       Sunday Worship – 11 am (sanctuary) – Jesus' Instruction in 2021

·       Sunday Bible Study – 6:30 pm (old fellowship hall) –Being Set Apart For God

·       Wednesday Bible Study –we'll look in depth at our weekly reading


Our services will be live on Facebook and later posted to YouTube.







We are cleaning and taking precautions in light of COVID-19. Here are some guidelines:


1.         Please use the restroom before arriving

2.         Stand and sit 6 feet apart (note the painter's tape)

3.         Please do not leave until the service ends; we will dismiss by rows

4.         Your temperature will be taken

5.         If you pick up any literature or anything, do not put it back down

6.         Use hand sanitizer

7.         Wear a face-covering – we have some if you need one


I know that is a lot; we're trying to be cautious. Of course, if you are sick or not sure about attending please stay home and watch the services online.


Thank you for your help with this.


Praying for you.