November 8, 2011

My thoughts on the Jobs Bill

I am all for a plan or a way to get folks back to work. I recently discovered, through a CBS report on our small town of Robbins, NC, that we are at 36% unemployment. Also, according to the 2000 census, our population is about 1200 people. (This means that 432 people are unemployed). With these figures in mind, here’s how I see things.

The president is calling for a jobs bill to get America back to work.

  • I can support that.

The president’s plan will lower the unemployment rate across America.

  • I can support that.

The jobs bill seems to focus its attention on 1st responders (police, fire, etc), teachers, and road construction jobs.

  • Ok, that’s a good start, but what about the rest of my town’s unemployed?

  • Most of those who are unemployed here are unemployed due to mills, factories, and chicken houses closing up. These are the types of jobs we need.

  • Besides, do you really think we could employ 50-100 new 1st responders, 50-100 new teachers, and 200 road construction workers?

The jobs bill cuts taxes.

  • I can support tax cuts for the middle class, as they seem to be some of the ones hurting in this economy.

  • I don’t know about the tax break for companies who employ veterans who’ve been unemployed for over 6 months.

  • While I support our military and veterans, I don’t believe companies should favor them over others if the others are more qualified for a position.

  • Doesn’t that lend itself to a sort of discrimination, or reverse discrimination?

That’s my 2 cents.

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