January 31, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 31, 2016




Thanks to all the men who did a fantastic job today. Thanks to Harold's chickens for providing the eggs.

Thanks to all who brought in non-perishable food or paper products for the Robbins Area Christian Ministries. We have the bar set to challenge the women and youth.



Bible Reading


This week's Old Testament reading (Exod. 10-26) finishes the 10 plagues. The Passover is commemorated as a way to celebrate their exodus from Egypt. It covers the crossing of the Red Sea, and the songs of Moses and Mariam celebrating that crossing. Shortly thereafter, they get to a bitter water supply that God makes drinkable, they cry to the Lord and He provides manna, and even gives water from a rock. The 10 commandments are given, other laws are established about slavery, animal control, property, the annual feasts, and so forth. This section closes out with the people bringing various items for the creation of the tabernacle (the portable sanctuary for God).


Interesting notes

1) The Egyptian god Hapti was the god of the Nile, but he couldn't stop the water from turning to blood.

2) The Egyptian goddess Hathor was a cow goddess, but she couldn't prevent the livestock from dying.

3) And the Egyptian god Amon-Re was the sun god, but he couldn't stop the darkness over the land.

4) Also, the Passover was to remember God's deliverance of Israel from Egypt and saved their first-born through the shed blood of the lamb. We just had communion which is to remember God's deliverance from sin and salvation through the shed blood of the Lamb of God.

5) Also, Joshua makes his first appearance in Ex. 17

6) Finally, notice how God provides. In chapter 25, the people donate gold, silver, bronze, clothing, etc. But where did they get it, since they were slaves? Well, remember, God had the Egyptians give them these things back in chapter 12.






Join us tomorrow (Mon, Feb 1) at 6:30pm for food, fellowship, and Bible discussion. Invite a friend and bring your questions.


Mentor Training

For those who signed up to mentor new converts, we will have our first meeting on this Wed, February 3 at 6pm.



Join us on this Thursday, February 4 at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend.


Sun, Feb 7 Meetings


9am—Outreach Committee

4pm—Youth Committee


Concealed Carry Class

The Calvarymen are sponsoring a class on March 5 from 10-5 at the Star Community Center for those 21 and older. The cost is $40. Please signup in the foyer.


Women of Joy Conf.

This will be April 22-24 in Pigeon Forge, TN.


It will feature speakers Angela Thomas, Margaret Feinberg, Patsy Clairmont and Lisa Harper; comedy by Chonda Pierce, and music by Natalie Grant.


For more information, please see Amber, Hilary, or go to: womenofjoy.org

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Bill

Rev. Dr. William Cooper, Pastor 
Calvary Baptist Church
549 Plank Rd, Carthage, NC (Physical Address)
548 Marley Rd, Robbins, NC 27325 (Mailing Address)

January 24, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 24, 2016




Again, thank you to all of the men who have volunteered to cover a position next Sunday (Jan 31), which is Men's Sunday!


Don't forget that we'll be serving breakfast that morning (ladies first) and will want to bring in non-perishable food or paper products for the Robbins Area Christian Ministries.



Bible Reading


This week's OT reading (Gen. 44-Exod. 9) finishes out the cliffhanger from last week as we see Joseph finish testing his brothers and revealing himself to them.


We finish out the book of Genesis with the people thriving as Joseph passes away. As we pick up in Exodus, another Pharaoh is on the scene and we see the birth of Moses, his upbringing in Egypt, and his fleeing Egypt. We see his call to deliver the Israelites and the first 7 plagues.


A couple thoughts: In chapter 46, verses 8-27 are genealogy, so verse 28 picks up where 7 leaves off. Notice how quickly the story moves in Exodus chapter 2 (in a mere 25 verses, we see his birth, upbringing, his early adulthood where he kills a man, and his fleeing for his life. Notice in Exodus chapters 7-8 that the Israelites will experience the first of the 3 plagues, but not the rest of the plagues.





Men's Sunday

Join us on January 24 for Men's Sunday. The men will meet by 8:30am(w/ some here by 7:30am) so we can serve Breakfast at 9am. We'll need some to clean up.

The men will set the bar for donating canned goods and paper products to the RACM. Please bring these items in on Men's Sunday.


Women's Sunday

All Ladies, please stay after church on Sunday, January 31, as we go over Women's Sunday (February 28).


B&G Meeting

We will meet this Sat, Jan 30 at 9am.



Join us on Monday, February 1 at 6:30pm for food, fellowship, and Bible discussion. Invite a friend and bring your questions.


Mentor Training

For those who signed up to mentor new converts, we will have our first meeting on Wednesday, February 3 at 6pm.



Join us on Thursday, February 4 at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend.


We will meet Sunday, February 7, at 8:30am.


Outreach Committee

We will meet Sunday, February 7, at 9am.


Youth Committee

We will meet Sunday, February 7, at 4pm.


Concealed Carry Class

The Calvarymen are sponsoring a class on March 5 from 10-5 at the Star Community Center for anyone 21+. The cost is $40. Please signup in the foyer.


Women of Joy Conf.

This will be April 22-24 in Pigeon Forge, TN (book by Feb 3 for the best rates).

 It will feature speakers Angela Thomas, Margaret Feinberg, Patsy Clairmont and Lisa Harper; comedy by Chonda Pierce, and music by Natalie Grant.

For more information, please see Amber, Hilary, or go to: womenofjoy.org

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Bill

Rev. Dr. William Cooper, Pastor 
Calvary Baptist Church
549 Plank Rd, Carthage, NC (Physical Address)
548 Marley Rd, Robbins, NC 27325 (Mailing Address)

January 18, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 17, 2016




Thank you to all of the men who have volunteered to cover a position next Sunday (Jan 24), which is Men's Sunday!


Don't forget that we'll be serving breakfast that morning (ladies first) and will want to bring in non-perishable food or paper products for the Robbins Area Christian Ministries.



Bible Reading


Our OT reading this week (Gen. 31-43). This covers some great drama and some great events such as Rachel hiding idols, and more tension between Jacob and Esau. Oh, and chapter 34 is one I don't think we cover in Sunday School. Again, you may want to skim read some of the genealogies, but don't stop or you'll miss reading about Joseph, his dreams, and his being sold into slavery. Unfortunately this week ends with a cliff hanger in chapter 43.





·         B&G Meeting - Will meet at 9am on Jan 23.


·         Committees - The deacons would like you to review your guidelines to make sure that they reflect the current practices.


·         Men's Sunday - Join us on January 24 for Men's Sunday.

The men will meet by 8:30am(w/ some here by 7:30am) so we can serve Breakfast at 9am.

We'll need some to clean up.

The men will set the bar for donating canned goods and paper products to the RACM. Please bring these items in on Men's Sunday.


·         Concealed Carry Class - The Calvarymen will sponsor a class in February for men and women age 18+. The cost of the class is $40. We will have a signup sheet for folks to sign up, or let Adam or Garrett know.


·         Women of Joy Conference - This will be April 22-24 in Pigeon Forge, TN (book by Feb 3 for the best rates). It will feature speakers Angela Thomas, Margaret Feinberg, Patsy Clairmont and Lisa Harper; comedy by Chonda Pierce, and music by Natalie Grant.

For more information, please see Amber, Hilary, or go to: womenofjoy.org

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Bill

Rev. Dr. William Cooper, Senior Pastor 
Calvary Baptist Church
549 Plank Rd, Carthage, NC (Physical Address)
548 Marley Rd, Robbins, NC 27325 (Mailing Address)

January 10, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 10, 2016




Thank you to all who helped with the tearing down of the stage and the taking down of the Christmas decorations on Friday, January 8.



Bible Reading


Our OT reading this week (Gen. 19-30) again covers a great deal of history: from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to Isaac's birth to Jacob and Esau's birthright issue to Jacob and Laban's agreement.


Some things to look for: Who did the Angel of the Lord first appear to? What did Ishmael go on to become?





·         Wednesday Nights -- Join us at 7pm as we look at how to label and fix problems that we face in our lives. 


·         Calvarymen -- Join us this Thursday, January 14 at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend.


·         S.S. Christmas Parties -- The Adult 1 party will be this Sat, Jan 16 at 5:30pm.


·         Outreach Committee -- We will meet on Sun, Jan 17 at 9am in the Fellowship Hall.


·         Youth Committee Meeting -- We will meet at 4pm on Sun, Jan.17 to plan some events.


·         Prayer Chain -- Let Kinzia or Pastor Bill know if you want to be added to prayer chain or if you want to be texted instead of called.


·         Prayer List -- Let Phyllis or Helen M. know if there is any on the prayer list that we can remove/or list under the praise section.


·         Bible Reading Plan -- We'll try to read through the OT in 2016. Reading sheets are in the foyer.


·         Committees -- The deacons would like you to review your guidelines to make sure that they reflect the current practices.

·         Women of Joy Conference -- This will be April 22-24 in Pigeon Forge, TN (book by Feb 3 for the best rates).

It will feature speakers Angela Thomas, Margaret Feinberg, Patsy Clairmont and Lisa Harper; comedy by Chonda Pierce, and music by Natalie Grant.

For more information, please see Amber, Hilary, or go to: womenofjoy.org

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Bill

Rev. Dr. William Cooper, Senior Pastor 
Calvary Baptist Church
549 Plank Rd, Carthage, NC (Physical Address)
548 Marley Rd, Robbins, NC 27325 (Mailing Address)

January 3, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


January 3, 2016


Welcome to our first 2016 newsletter. I hope that this will be beneficial to you as an additional resource noting thanks, encouragement on reading through the Old Testament, and some upcoming events. If you know of anything else you would like to see in this newsletter, please let Pastor Bill know. Thanks!





Thank you to all who helped with our various Christmas events, from the Parades to the Play to the Christmas Breakfast, everything went wonderfully.



Bible Reading


Our OT reading this week (Gen. 1-18) covers a great deal of history: from Creation to Abraham and Sarah being promised a son of promise, Isaac. In between, we see the fall of man, the fist murder, the flood, Noah's drunkenness, the tower of Babel, the call of Abraham, and much more. Don't let the family listings stop you from reading. If they start to bog you down, feel free to skim over the list and keep going.




·         Stage Tear Down – Join us Friday, Jan 8 at 5pm (or after) as we tear down the stage and return it to the building at the parsonage.


·         WOM -- Join us tomorrow (Monday, January 4) at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend. And bring some questions.


·         Lottie Moon Offering -- Next Sunday, January 10, our 2nd offering will support International missionaries.


·         Calvarymen -- Join us on Thursday, January 14 at 6:30pm for food, Bible challenge & fellowship. Invite a friend.


·         S.S. Christmas Parties -- The Adult 2 party will be on Saturday, January 9. The Adult 1 party will be on Saturday, January 16.


·         Bible Reading Plan -- Join us starting tomorrow, reading through the Old Testament. You'll read about 3 chapters a day, Mon thru Sat. Reading sheets are in the foyer.


·         Basics of our Beliefs -- Beginning Sun, Jan 3, we will be studying on Sunday nights. You won't want to miss this study.


·         Prayer Chain -- Let Kinzia or Pastor Bill know if you want to be added to prayer chain or if you want to be texted instead of called.


·         Prayer List -- Let Phyllis or Helen M. know if there is anyone on the prayer list that we can remove/ or list under the praise section.

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Bill

Rev. Dr. William Cooper, Senior Pastor 
Calvary Baptist Church
549 Plank Rd, Carthage, NC (Physical Address)
548 Marley Rd, Robbins, NC 27325 (Mailing Address)