October 30, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


October 30, 2016



Thank you to the WOM for a successful Senior Luncheon!

Thank you to the Youth Committee and all who helped last night at the Storytelling event!


Bible Reading






Jeremiah 18-21

Warnings in view of Judah's hardheartedness


Jeremiah 22-23

Warnings in view of Judah's hardheartedness, cont.


Jeremiah 24-26

Warnings in view of Judah's hardheartedness, cont.; Conflict with the people


Jeremiah 27-29

Conflict with the false prophets in Jerusalem; and with the false prophets in exile


Jeremiah 30-31

The restoration of all Israel


Jeremiah 32-33

The restoration of Judah and Jerusalem


Interesting notes:

·        What was prophesied in Jeremiah 24 came to pass when Jehoiachin was taken to Babylon (about 10 years after the prophecy).

·        In Jeremiah 31:2, the Israelites understood "the sword" as a reference to the Canaanites during the Exodus.

·        Jeremiah 31:5 was a reversal of Deuteronomy 28:30.




CalvaryMen's Meeting

Join us this Thursday, November 3rd at 6:30. Please bring a dish and diet 2-liters.


Building and Grounds

Our meeting is this Friday, November 4 at 6:30pm.


Youth Committee Meeting

We'll meet next Sunday, November 6, at 4:30pm.


Sunday School Project

Calvarymen have challenged all the SS classes to raise money for Samaritan's Purse to buy animals.


Chicken Stew and Sing

Invite everyone and join us on Sat, Nov 5. Dinner is at 5pm and the Trinity Quartet is at 6:15pm.

We need some folks to arrive by 2pm to help with the preparations. We need folks to help clean up afterwards. We also need 6 burners and 6 gas bottles. If you can offer these and can help cook, please contact Martin G.


Revival Services

Join us and invite others out to our revival services

Nov 13-16.  Our speaker will be local pastor Rev. Kevin Huff. The services will start

Sunday at 11am, followed by a covered dish lunch, and a service at 6pm. Then      Monday-Wednesday at 7pm.


Yard Sale

The John Nall Memorial Scholarship Yard Sale will be on Friday, November 11 (3-9pm) and Saturday, November 12 (7am-12pm). Donations of Fall and Winter clothes, Christmas items, and household goods will be accepted starting Sunday, November 6. (No encyclopedias, please).


Christmas Play

If you are interested in being in the Christmas Play, please let Sue Ellen or Ellen know today!


Pray for God to work in your heart through our upcoming Revival services.




Strange People:


People who talk about prayer but never pray.

People who say tithing is right but never tithe.

People who say belonging to a church is necessary,
but never go or support its programs

People who sat the Bible is God's Word to man,
yet never read it.

October 23, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


October 23, 2016



Thank you to the Building and Grounds for the new floor in the women's restroom.


Bible Reading






Isaiah 66-Jeremiah 2

The Delivered: The faithful and unfaithful along with their respective ends compared, continued; Jeremiah's call; A Call to Repentance and prediction of Judgement


Jeremiah 3-5

A Call to Repentance and prediction of Judgement, continued


Jeremiah 6-8

Indictments, Threatening, the prophet's grief and wailing called for


Jeremiah 9-11

Idolatry, disobedience, treachery; the Lord's disappointment with His people


Jeremiah 12-14

Prophecies in the reigns of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah


Jeremiah 15-17

Prophecies in the reigns of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah, cont.


Interesting notes:

·        Jeremiah 2:10 – Pagan nations remained loyal to their gods, but Israel did not remain loyal to God.

·        Jeremiah 6:3 – the shepherds were the Babylonian leaders; the flocks were the Babylonian armies.

·        Jeremiah 8:22 – Gilead was known for their healing balm..




Senior Luncheon

Invite someone and join us this Tuesday at 11:30am for our luncheon, blue grass music and a devotional.



All are invited to Junior's this Saturday, October 29 at 6pm for hayrides, bonfire, food, and storytelling.

We'll have 1 costume contest for the adults and 1 for the kids.

We need 4-5 pots of hotdog chili, chips, desserts, etc.

We need storytellers and help setting up/ cleaning up.


If you can help with spooking the trail, please stay after for a brief meeting or see Junior.


CalvaryMen's Meeting

Join us on Thursday, November 3 at 6:30 for a time of food, fellowship, and Bible challenge. Please bring a dish and 2-liters.


Building and Grounds

Our next meeting is Friday, November 4 at 6:30pm.


Chicken Stew and Sing

Invite everyone and attend on Saturday, Nov 5.

Dinner is at 5pm. And the Trinity Quartet will sing at 6:15pm. We need some folks to arrive by 2pm to help with the preparations.

We need folks to help clean up afterwards.


Christmas Play

If you are interested in being in the Christmas Play, please let Sue Ellen or Ellen know today!



The 2017 wall calendars are $7. Please see any WOM member to buy one.


Donation Dropoff

The Associational office is a collection site for bottled water, non perishable food items, and clothing to take to the central distribution center at Red Springs Mission Camp.

If the interior doors of the office are locked, please leave your donations inside the front foyer. 


Mark you calendar for our Fall Revival Nov 13-16.




Something to Think About:


When we know the risen Lord it is not difficult to travel a long distance to have fellowship with those who are of like faith.


October 16, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


October 16, 2016



Thank you to all who brought food last week for the Pastor Appreciation covered dish.


Bible Reading






Isaiah 41-43

Deliverance: Israel and the heathen compared


Isaiah 44-47

Deliverance: Israel and the heathen compared, continued


Isaiah 48-51

Deliverance: Israel and the heathen compared, continued in chapter 48; The Deliverer: The sufferings and glory of God's servant compared


Isaiah 52-56

The Deliverer: The sufferings and glory of God's servant compared, continued


Isaiah 57-60

The Deliverer: The sufferings and glory of God's servant compared, continued in chapter 60; The Delivered: The faithful and unfaithful along with their respective ends compared


Isaiah 61-65

The Delivered: The faithful and unfaithful along with their respective ends compared, continued


Interesting notes:

·        Isaiah 44:2 – Jeshurun = Israel

·        Isaiah 44:28 names Cyrus by name 150 years before his reign. Also, 45:1 says that he is anointed. This makes him the only Gentile ruler who is said to be anointed.

·        Jesus quoted Isaiah 56:7 when He overturned the moneychanger's tables in the Temple. And Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2a in the synagogue.





4:30pm—Youth Committee Meeting


6:00pm—Adult Bible Study


Senior Luncheon

The WOM is sponsoring our Senior Luncheon on Tuesday, October 25, at 11:30am, complete with blue grass music and a devotional. Everyone is invited. WOM should arrive by 9am to start prepping.



All are invited to Junior's on Saturday, October 29 for hayrides, bonfire, food, and storytelling. We'll have some sign-up sheets out soon. We'll need helpers set up before the event.


Women's Restroom

The restroom is fixed. Thank you to the Building and Grounds Committee.


Free Wood

Please contact a Building and Grounds member if you want fire wood from the pile beside the Fellowship Hall.


Fellowship Hall Cleaning

If you can help with this cleaning for 1 month, please sign up in the foyer.



The 2017 wall calendars are $7. Please see any WOM member to purchase one.


Chicken Stew and Sing

Join us at 5pm on Nov 5. More info is forthcoming.


Donation Dropoff

The Associational office is a collection site for bottled water, non perishable food items, and clothing to take to the central distribution center at Red Springs Mission Camp.

If the interior doors of the office are locked, please leave your donations inside the front foyer. 



Thank you to all who gave out of your hearts to the Pastor's offering last week! Thank you, also, for all who were a part in the covered dish lunch!It is a privilege to serve at Calvary Baptist!

        -Pastor Bill and Hilary




Something to Think About:


God can work in spite of our ignorance,
but not in the face of our unbelief.


October 11, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


October 9, 2016



Thank you to all who brought food last week for Ruby's Party and today for the covered dish.


Bible Reading






Isaiah 19-22

Prophecies against Egypt, Babylon, Edom, Arabia, Jerusalem


Isaiah 23-26

Prophecies against Tyre; Announcement of universal judgment; Book of Songs


Isaiah 27-29

Book of Songs; Book of Woes


Isaiah 30-33

Book of Woes


Isaiah 34-37

The Nations and Israel future desolation and restoration; Hezekiah's trouble and triumph


Isaiah 38-40

Hezekiah's sickness and sin


Interesting notes:

·        Isaiah 32:6 describes the fool; and it describes Nabal (1 Samuel 25:25) who's name means fool.





Join us this Thursday, October 13, at 6:30pm Please bring a dish and some 2-liter bottles of soda as you join us for a time of food, fellowship, and Bible.


Youth Committee Meeting

We'll meet next Sunday, October 16, at 4:30pm to discuss Storytelling and other upcoming plans.


Senior Luncheon

The WOM is sponsoring our Luncheon on Tuesday October 25 at 11:30am, complete with blue grass music and a devotional. Everyone is invited. WOM should arrive by 9am to start prepping.



All are invited to Junior's on Saturday, October 29 for hayrides, bonfire, food, and storytelling. (Note the date change). We'll have some sign-up sheets out soon. We'll need helpers set up before the event.


Women's Restroom

Please use the one in the Fellowship Hall.


Free Wood

Anyone wanting to cut fire wood from the pile at the side of the Fellowship Hall, please contact a Building and Grounds member.


Fellowship Hall Cleaning

If you can help with cleaning the Fellowship Hall for 1 month, please sign up in the foyer.



The WOM is taking orders for 2017 wall calendars. They are $7. If you would like to purchase any, please see any WOM member. 



Something to Think About:


"The rule that governs my life is this: Anything that dims my vision of Christ, or takes away my taste for Bible study, or cramps my prayer life, or makes Christian work difficult, is wrong for me, and I must, as a Christian, turn away from it. This simple rule may help you find a safe road for your feet along life's road." – (quote from J. Wilber Chapman)

October 2, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


October 2, 2016



Thank you to the women who brought desserts and to the men who helped with last night's Fish Fry!


Bible Reading






Ecclesiastes 11-Song of Solomon 4

Charity & Enjoyment; Remember God & His Word;
Expression of Love; Visit in the Country; Wedding Day; Marriage


Song of Solomon 5- Isaiah 1

Fear; Devotion & Love; Love continued
Prophecies concerning Judah and Israel


Isaiah 2-5

The indictment and judgement on Judah and Israel


Isaiah 6-9

Isaiah's Call, Promise of Restoration and Thanksgiving


Isaiah 10-13

Promise of Restoration and Thanksgiving; Prophecy against Babylon


Isaiah 14-18

Prophecy against Babylon, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Egypt


Interesting notes:

·        Ecclesiastes 12 compares our bodies to houses.

·        Eccl 12:11 – Goads were cattle prods.

·        Isaiah 1:18 – scarlet was a near permanent dye, which describes our sins which are permanent without the blood of Christ applied.






12pm—Covered Dish


6:00pm—Adult Bible Study 

          (Sanctity of Marriage)



Join us tomorrow night at 6:30pm. Please bring a dish and join us for a time of fellowship, food, and Bible questions.


Pastor Appreciation

As part of Pastor Appreciation Month we will have a love offering during worship service and a covered dish lunch next Sunday, October 9 (note the date change).


Church Float Meeting

Next Sunday there will be a brief Christmas Float meeting after services at 9am. If you are interested in participating please stay and share ideas for this fun community outreach project.



Join us next Thursday, October 13, at 6:30pm (note the date change due to the Farm Bureau meeting). Please bring a dish and some 2-liter bottles of soda as you join us for a time of food, fellowship, and Bible.


Free Wood

Anyone wanting to cut fire wood from the pile at the side of the Fellowship Hall, please contact a Building and Grounds member.


Women's Restroom

Please use the one in the Fellowship Hall.


Fellowship Hall Cleaning

If you can help with cleaning the Fellowship Hall for 1 month, please sign up in the foyer.



The WOM is taking orders for 2017 wall calendars. They are $7. If you are interested , please see any WOM member.




Something to Think About:


What we do with what we have shows who we are.