October 16, 2016

Calvary Reflections Newsletter

Calvary Reflections

Reflecting on God's Word

Reflecting God to the World


October 16, 2016



Thank you to all who brought food last week for the Pastor Appreciation covered dish.


Bible Reading






Isaiah 41-43

Deliverance: Israel and the heathen compared


Isaiah 44-47

Deliverance: Israel and the heathen compared, continued


Isaiah 48-51

Deliverance: Israel and the heathen compared, continued in chapter 48; The Deliverer: The sufferings and glory of God's servant compared


Isaiah 52-56

The Deliverer: The sufferings and glory of God's servant compared, continued


Isaiah 57-60

The Deliverer: The sufferings and glory of God's servant compared, continued in chapter 60; The Delivered: The faithful and unfaithful along with their respective ends compared


Isaiah 61-65

The Delivered: The faithful and unfaithful along with their respective ends compared, continued


Interesting notes:

·        Isaiah 44:2 – Jeshurun = Israel

·        Isaiah 44:28 names Cyrus by name 150 years before his reign. Also, 45:1 says that he is anointed. This makes him the only Gentile ruler who is said to be anointed.

·        Jesus quoted Isaiah 56:7 when He overturned the moneychanger's tables in the Temple. And Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2a in the synagogue.





4:30pm—Youth Committee Meeting


6:00pm—Adult Bible Study


Senior Luncheon

The WOM is sponsoring our Senior Luncheon on Tuesday, October 25, at 11:30am, complete with blue grass music and a devotional. Everyone is invited. WOM should arrive by 9am to start prepping.



All are invited to Junior's on Saturday, October 29 for hayrides, bonfire, food, and storytelling. We'll have some sign-up sheets out soon. We'll need helpers set up before the event.


Women's Restroom

The restroom is fixed. Thank you to the Building and Grounds Committee.


Free Wood

Please contact a Building and Grounds member if you want fire wood from the pile beside the Fellowship Hall.


Fellowship Hall Cleaning

If you can help with this cleaning for 1 month, please sign up in the foyer.



The 2017 wall calendars are $7. Please see any WOM member to purchase one.


Chicken Stew and Sing

Join us at 5pm on Nov 5. More info is forthcoming.


Donation Dropoff

The Associational office is a collection site for bottled water, non perishable food items, and clothing to take to the central distribution center at Red Springs Mission Camp.

If the interior doors of the office are locked, please leave your donations inside the front foyer. 



Thank you to all who gave out of your hearts to the Pastor's offering last week! Thank you, also, for all who were a part in the covered dish lunch!It is a privilege to serve at Calvary Baptist!

        -Pastor Bill and Hilary




Something to Think About:


God can work in spite of our ignorance,
but not in the face of our unbelief.


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