Reflecting on God's Word
Reflecting God to the World
December 31, 2017
Here are the Bible readings for this upcoming week. Feel free to read the entire thing, just the NT, or just the OT:
Day | Reading |
Monday | Genesis 1-2; Psalm 19; Mark 1 |
Tuesday | Gen 3-5; Mark 2 |
Wednesday | Gen 6-8; Psalm 104; Mark 3 |
Thursday | Gen 9-11; Mark 4 |
Friday | Gen 12-15; Psalm 148; Mark 5 |
Genesis was written by Moses and was for the Jews.
· Genesis 1-15 covers Creation, the stories of Adam, Noah, and part of Abraham.
· Genesis 5 – note the ages that these men lived to be, and note the strange event with Enoch. (Fun fact, Methuselah died the year of the flood).
· Genesis 10-11 have genealogies. Again, note the ages. They are significantly less than those in Gen. 5.
Mark was written by Mark (a disciple, but not 1 of the 12) and written to Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians.
· Mark 3:6 – Herodians were Jews who supported the Roman authority (whereas most Jews didn't support the Roman authority).
Tonight (Sunday), from 6-9pm, we'll have a game night. Please join us and bring finger foods or dessert.
Wed., Jan. 10 at 7pm – Missions Night. Please join us as we visit some of our shut-ins.
Sun., Jan. 14 at 7:30pm – Church Council. We would like the chair or a representative from all committees and groups to be there as we discuss events and plans for 2018.
Mon., Jan. 15 at 7pm – Deacon's Meeting.
Wed., Jan. 17 at 6:30pm – Covered Dish Meal and Bible Study. We'll enjoy food, fellowship, and a study of the Beatitudes found in Mathew chapter 5.
Sun., Jan. 28 – Baptist Men's Day. 8am Breakfast; 9am Sunday School; 10am Worship.
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Sandy Grove Baptist Church Bladenboro, NC 28320 |
Copyright © 2017, All rights reserved. |
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